b'--allow-coverage-fail false\n--appp 0.5\n--asm-code-only false\n--best-edit-rule "1 * fault_loc_weight ; 1 * max_test_fail_prob ; -1 * num_tests"\n--best-test-rule "1 * test_fail_count"\n--compiler "gcc"\n--compiler-command ""\n--compiler-opts "-lm"\n--continue false\n--coverage-info ""\n--coverage-per-test false\n--crossover "one"\n--crossp 0.5\n--delp 0.85\n--describe-machine false\n--diversity-selection 0\n--edit-script false\n--elf-risc false\n--exclude-edits ""\n--exp-diff false\n--fault-file ""\n--fault-path "coverage.path.neg"\n--fault-scheme "path"\n--first-failure-fitness true\n--fitness-in-parallel 1\n--fix-file ""\n--fix-oracle ""\n--fix-path "coverage.path.pos"\n--fix-scheme "default"\n--flatten-path ""\n--format "txt"\n--gen-per-exchange 1\n--generations 0\n--gui false\n--hostname ""\n--ignore-dead-code false\n--ignore-equiv-appends false\n--ignore-standard-headers false\n--ignore-string-equiv-fixes false\n--ignore-untyped-returns false\n--incoming-pop ""\n--keep-source true\n--label-repair false\n--max-evals 0\n--minimization true\n--mt-cov false\n--multiopt-minimize false\n--multiopt-no-inf false\n--neg-tests 3\n--neg-weight 0.35\n--negative-test-weight 2\n--neutral-walk-max-size 0\n--neutral-walk-weight ""\n--nht-id "global"\n--nht-port 51000\n--nht-server ""\n--no-rep-cache true\n--no-test-cache false\n--num-comps 2\n--num-objectives 2\n--oracle-genome ""\n--popsize 400\n--port 60000\n--pos-tests 7\n--pos-weight 0.65\n--prefix "./"\n--preprocessor ""\n--print-incremental-evals false\n--print-source-name false\n--program "/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.c"\n--promut 1\n--quiet false\n--regen-paths false\n--rep ""\n--rep-cache ""\n--repp 0.75\n--samp-strat "variant"\n--sample 1\n--sample-runs 100\n--sanity "yes"\n--search "ga"\n--seed 1831281321978209118\n--semantic-check "scope"\n--single-fitness false\n--skip-failed-sanity-tests true\n--skip-tests ""\n--split-search 0\n--sport 65000\n--subatom-constp 0.5\n--subatom-mutp 0\n--super-mutant false\n--super-mutant-size 50\n--swap-bug false\n--swapp 0\n--template-cache ""\n--templates ""\n--test-command ""\n--test-script "/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/test_19796687767792390560413657408"\n--tournament-size 2\n--uniq false\n--valgrind false\n--variants-exchanged 50\ncilRep: preprocessing IO function signatures: /home/tedks/tmp/tmp466478.c /home/tedks/tmp/tmp6344cd.c\ncilRep: done preprocessing IO function signatures\ncilrep: from_source: pre: stmt_count = 1\ncilRep: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.c: parsing\ncilRep: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.c: parsed (0.0643034 MB)\ncilrep: from_source: post: stmt_count: 27\ncachingRepresentation: sanity checking begins\n\tp1: true (1)\n\tp2: true (1)\n\tp3: true (1)\n\tp4: true (1)\n\tp5: true (1)\n\tp6: true (1)\n\tp7: true (1)\n\tn1: false (0)\n\tn2: false (0)\n\tn3: false (0)\ncachingRepresentation: sanity checking passed (time_taken = 0.592333)\nfaultLocRep: compute_localization: fault_scheme: path, fix_scheme: default\nRep: coverage_sourcename: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./coverage.c\ncilRep: instrumenting for fault localization\ncilRep: done instrumenting for fault localization\ncoverage negative:\n\ttest: 1\n\ttest: 2\n\ttest: 3\ncoverage positive:\n\ttest: 1\n\ttest: 2\n\ttest: 3\n\ttest: 4\n\ttest: 5\n\ttest: 6\n\ttest: 7\ncilRep: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.cache: saved\ncachingRep: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.cache: saved\nfaultlocRep: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.cache: saved\ncilrep done serialize\ncilRep: stmt_count = 27\ncilRep: stmts in weighted_path = 23\ncilRep: total weight = 14.95\ncilRep: stmts in weighted_path with weight >= 1.0 = 0\ncilRep: /home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits-merged.c (code bank/base file; atoms [1,27])\ncilRep: 1 file(s) total in representation\nsearch: genetic algorithm begins (|original| = 0.00611115 MB)\nsearch: initial population (sizeof one variant = 0.00595856 MB)\n\t 0 a(12,27) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 a(18,11) \n\t 0 d(1) \n\t 0 r(13,18) \n\t 0 r(24,12) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 r(26,18) \n\t 0 r(13,16) \n\t 0 a(19,25) \n\t 0 r(7,10) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 r(24,19) \n\t 0 r(18,25) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 r(20,26) \n\t 0 a(7,8) \n\t 0 r(26,27) \n\t 0 r(16,26) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 r(18,22) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 a(1,6) \n\t 0 r(22,18) \n\t 0 r(19,16) \n\t 0 a(15,6) \n\t 0 r(23,19) \n\t 0 r(24,20) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 a(24,13) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 r(13,24) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 r(26,22) \n\t 0 r(13,26) \n\t 0 r(10,11) \n\t 0 a(20,25) \n\t 0 a(15,21) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t 0 a(22,18) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 a(10,9) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 r(22,17) \n\t 0 a(17,15) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 r(23,20) \n\t 0 r(16,20) \n\t 0 a(27,18) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 d(17) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000045.c r(10,21) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,21) \n\t 0 r(11,7) \n\t 0 r(8,1) \n\t 0 r(8,7) \n\t 0 r(15,24) \n\t 0 r(23,16) \n\t 1 a(26,23) \n\t 0 a(18,24) \n\t 0 r(18,20) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 d(2) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 r(13,22) \n\t 0 a(7,1) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 a(27,13) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t 0 a(20,11) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 r(17,11) \n\t 0 r(23,22) \n\t 0 a(27,24) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000064.c r(6,27) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(6,27) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 a(23,15) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000066.c r(10,27) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,27) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 a(11,22) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 r(16,13) \n\t 0 a(13,18) \n\t 0 r(26,17) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 r(2,1) \n\t 0 r(23,20) \n\t 0 a(24,16) \n\t 0 d(7) \n\t 0 d(11) \n\t 0 a(9,9) \n\t 0 r(7,1) \n\t 0 a(20,24) \n\t 0 r(21,19) \n\t 0 r(16,12) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 a(8,2) \n\t 0 r(7,2) \n\t 0 r(17,19) \n\t 0 r(7,2) \n\t 0 r(18,26) \n\t 0 a(1,8) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t 0 r(12,11) \n\t 0 d(1) \n\t 1 r(27,13) \n\t 0 a(2,2) \n\t 0 r(19,11) \n\t 0 r(9,10) \n\t 0 d(25) \n\t 0 d(2) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t 0 r(13,11) \n\t 0 r(2,7) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t 0 a(16,11) \n\t 0 r(11,27) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 a(15,17) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 d(11) \n\t 0 r(25,19) \n\t 0 a(26,19) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 r(17,26) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t 0 r(25,17) \n\t 0 r(12,24) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 r(21,27) \n\t 0 d(1) \n\t 0 r(19,23) \n\t 0 a(2,1) \n\t 0 a(19,24) \n\t 0 a(19,21) \n\t 0 r(16,13) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000097.c r(10,24) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,24) \n\t 0 a(10,8) \n\t 0 r(15,20) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 a(21,15) \n\t 0 r(2,9) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 r(27,24) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 r(21,18) \n\t 0 r(2,1) \n\t 0 d(17) \n\t 0 r(19,11) \n\t 0 a(8,10) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 d(11) \n\t 0 d(15) \n\t 0 r(13,20) \n\t 0 d(17) \n\t 0 a(1,10) \n\t 0 d(1) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 a(10,7) \n\t 0 r(23,18) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 a(6,1) \n\t 0 r(2,6) \n\t 0 r(15,17) \n\t 0 r(18,12) \n\t 0 r(1,9) \n\t 0 a(2,2) \n\t 0 d(17) \n\t 0 r(1,8) \n\t 0 d(25) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 d(25) \n\t 0 r(12,21) \n\t 0 d(1) \n\t 0 a(8,6) \n\t 0 r(18,23) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 r(18,12) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000119.c r(6,26) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(6,26) \n\t 0 a(17,15) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t 0 r(21,27) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 r(21,24) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 r(1,2) \n\t 0 a(27,9) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 r(8,6) \n\t 0 a(13,11) \n\t 0 a(26,21) \n\t 0 r(16,24) \n\t 0 a(17,21) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 d(7) \n\t 0 a(9,2) \n\t 0 r(27,19) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 a(1,9) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t 0 r(7,1) \n\t 0 r(22,27) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 a(23,17) \n\t 0 r(12,20) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 a(23,11) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 r(27,22) \n\t 0 d(7) \n\t 0 a(15,12) \n\t 0 a(17,21) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 r(25,19) \n\t 0 d(11) \n\t 0 a(22,10) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 r(18,17) \n\t 0 d(7) \n\t 0 d(17) \n\t 0 a(19,17) \n\t 0 d(11) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 d(15) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 a(8,6) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t 0 r(25,15) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 a(6,8) \n\t 0 a(18,23) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 d(2) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 r(12,24) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 a(26,25) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 a(7,1) \n\t 0 r(23,11) \n\t 0 a(9,11) \n\t 0 r(8,6) \n\t 0 r(13,18) \n\t 0 a(15,15) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 a(18,19) \n\t 0 r(26,19) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 r(18,22) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 d(25) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 r(1,7) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000149.c r(9,17) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(9,17) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 r(7,10) \n\t 0 r(16,19) \n\t 0 a(9,2) \n\t 0 a(21,6) \n\t 0 r(19,25) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t 0 r(12,19) \n\t 0 r(18,12) \n\t 0 r(11,9) \n\t 1 a(25,23) \n\t 0 r(24,21) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 a(6,8) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t 0 d(25) \n\t 0 a(15,18) \n\t 0 r(20,11) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000156.c r(6,19) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(6,19) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 d(15) \n\t 0 a(15,21) \n\t 0 r(20,17) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 a(15,12) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 r(23,21) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t 0 r(21,23) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 r(22,15) \n\t 0 d(17) \n\t 0 a(9,6) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 d(23) \n\t 1 r(26,13) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 a(9,7) \n\t 0 r(9,1) \n\t 0 a(22,17) \n\t 0 a(15,16) \n\t 0 a(24,27) \n\t 0 d(15) \n\t 0 r(2,7) \n\t 0 a(22,16) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 d(21) \n\t 0 d(7) \n\t 0 r(7,6) \n\t 0 r(24,17) \n\t 0 d(27) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000171.c r(10,12) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,12) \n\t 0 d(26) \n\t 0 a(21,20) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 a(1,1) \n\t 0 r(15,11) \n\t 0 r(1,6) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000175.c r(10,18) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,18) \n\t 0 d(16) \n\t 0 d(24) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 a(17,17) \n\t 0 a(19,21) \n\t 0 d(18) \n\t 0 r(13,18) \n\t 0 d(1) \n\t 0 a(19,21) \n\t 0 r(27,19) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 a(20,22) \n\t 0 r(12,27) \n\t 0 r(21,16) \n\t 0 a(23,27) \n\t 0 d(19) \n\t 0 a(25,10) \n\t 0 r(23,15) \n\t 0 a(13,10) \n\t 0 a(10,6) \n\t 0 a(15,17) \n\t 0 a(7,7) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000186.c r(6,13) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(6,13) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t 0 a(12,24) \n\t 0 a(12,18) \n\t 0 r(16,20) \n\t 0 a(12,6) \n\t 0 a(19,15) \n\t 0 a(16,17) \n\t 0 d(23) \n\t 0 a(1,10) \n\t 0 d(12) \n\t 0 d(9) \n\t 0 d(13) \n\t 0 a(21,19) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000192.c r(10,23) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,23) \n\t 0 a(21,12) \n\t 0 r(8,6) \n\t 0 d(8) \n\t 0 r(9,1) \n\t 0 d(20) \n\t 0 r(10,2) \n\t 0 d(10) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000195.c r(6,22) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(6,22) \n\t 0 d(6) \n\t 0 a(2,10) \n\t 0 r(13,26) \n\t 0 r(10,6) \n\t 0 r(11,12) \n\t/home/tedks/tmp/8cddfdf7aebdb470a597d7220985f0328a2221da11e260c17fafdf236b78e561014bc0a7ea717540ecab6e9a12d2b584cbdf07a4cd928a622ed99bb88ea81e33_3_0d93d302266fb8eb18bac1da78201961ba3a7e62_digits_19796687767792390560413657408/./000198.c r(10,25) fails to compile\n\t 0 r(10,25) \n\t 0 d(22) \n\t 0 r(19,16) \n\t 0 r(7,9) \n\t 0 original\nsearch: genetic algorithm ends\nRep: saving test cache\n\nVariant Test Case Queries: 404\n"Test Suite Evaluations": 40.4\n\nCompile Failures: 13\nWall-Clock Seconds Elapsed: 42.9719\n Activity Name Count Seconds = Percent of Total Time\n sanity_check 1 0.011 = 0.0325356%\n test 211 13.872 = 39.8489%\n compile 202 20.928 = 60.1162%\n TOTAL 34.812 = 80.9964% (avg CPU usage)\n'