typedef unsigned char __u_char; typedef unsigned short __u_short; typedef unsigned int __u_int; typedef unsigned long __u_long; typedef signed char __int8_t; typedef unsigned char __uint8_t; typedef short __int16_t; typedef unsigned short __uint16_t; typedef int __int32_t; typedef unsigned int __uint32_t; typedef long long __int64_t; typedef unsigned long long __uint64_t; typedef long long __quad_t; typedef unsigned long long __u_quad_t; typedef __u_quad_t __dev_t; typedef unsigned int __uid_t; typedef unsigned int __gid_t; typedef unsigned long __ino_t; typedef __u_quad_t __ino64_t; typedef unsigned int __mode_t; typedef unsigned int __nlink_t; typedef long __off_t; typedef __quad_t __off64_t; typedef int __pid_t; struct __anonstruct___fsid_t_1 { int __val[2] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct___fsid_t_1 __fsid_t; typedef long __clock_t; typedef unsigned long __rlim_t; typedef __u_quad_t __rlim64_t; typedef unsigned int __id_t; typedef long __time_t; typedef unsigned int __useconds_t; typedef long __suseconds_t; typedef int __daddr_t; typedef long __swblk_t; typedef int __key_t; typedef int __clockid_t; typedef void *__timer_t; typedef long __blksize_t; typedef long __blkcnt_t; typedef __quad_t __blkcnt64_t; typedef unsigned long __fsblkcnt_t; typedef __u_quad_t __fsblkcnt64_t; typedef unsigned long __fsfilcnt_t; typedef __u_quad_t __fsfilcnt64_t; typedef int __ssize_t; typedef __off64_t __loff_t; typedef __quad_t *__qaddr_t; typedef char *__caddr_t; typedef int __intptr_t; typedef unsigned int __socklen_t; typedef __u_char u_char; typedef __u_short u_short; typedef __u_int u_int; typedef __u_long u_long; typedef __quad_t quad_t; typedef __u_quad_t u_quad_t; typedef __fsid_t fsid_t; typedef __loff_t loff_t; typedef __ino64_t ino_t; typedef __dev_t dev_t; typedef __gid_t gid_t; typedef __mode_t mode_t; typedef __nlink_t nlink_t; typedef __uid_t uid_t; typedef __off64_t off_t; typedef __pid_t pid_t; typedef __id_t id_t; typedef __ssize_t ssize_t; typedef __daddr_t daddr_t; typedef __caddr_t caddr_t; typedef __key_t key_t; typedef __clock_t clock_t; typedef __time_t time_t; typedef __clockid_t clockid_t; typedef __timer_t timer_t; typedef unsigned int size_t; typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef signed char int8_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef long long int64_t; typedef unsigned char u_int8_t; typedef unsigned short u_int16_t; typedef unsigned int u_int32_t; typedef unsigned long long u_int64_t; typedef int register_t; typedef int __sig_atomic_t; struct __anonstruct___sigset_t_2 { unsigned long __val[1024U / (8U * sizeof(unsigned long ))] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct___sigset_t_2 __sigset_t; typedef __sigset_t sigset_t; struct timespec { __time_t tv_sec ; long tv_nsec ; }; struct timeval { __time_t tv_sec ; __suseconds_t tv_usec ; }; typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t; typedef long __fd_mask; struct __anonstruct_fd_set_3 { __fd_mask __fds_bits[1024 / (8 * (int )sizeof(__fd_mask ))] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_fd_set_3 fd_set; typedef __fd_mask fd_mask; typedef __blksize_t blksize_t; typedef __blkcnt64_t blkcnt_t; typedef __fsblkcnt64_t fsblkcnt_t; typedef __fsfilcnt64_t fsfilcnt_t; typedef unsigned long pthread_t; union __anonunion_pthread_attr_t_4 { char __size[36] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_attr_t_4 pthread_attr_t; struct __pthread_internal_slist { struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next ; }; typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist __pthread_slist_t; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_6 { int __spins ; __pthread_slist_t __list ; }; struct __pthread_mutex_s { int __lock ; unsigned int __count ; int __owner ; int __kind ; unsigned int __nusers ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_6 __annonCompField1 ; }; union __anonunion_pthread_mutex_t_5 { struct __pthread_mutex_s __data ; char __size[24] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_mutex_t_5 pthread_mutex_t; union __anonunion_pthread_mutexattr_t_7 { char __size[4] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_mutexattr_t_7 pthread_mutexattr_t; struct __anonstruct___data_9 { int __lock ; unsigned int __futex ; unsigned long long __total_seq ; unsigned long long __wakeup_seq ; unsigned long long __woken_seq ; void *__mutex ; unsigned int __nwaiters ; unsigned int __broadcast_seq ; }; union __anonunion_pthread_cond_t_8 { struct __anonstruct___data_9 __data ; char __size[48] ; long long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_cond_t_8 pthread_cond_t; union __anonunion_pthread_condattr_t_10 { char __size[4] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_condattr_t_10 pthread_condattr_t; typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t; typedef int pthread_once_t; struct __anonstruct___data_12 { int __lock ; unsigned int __nr_readers ; unsigned int __readers_wakeup ; unsigned int __writer_wakeup ; unsigned int __nr_readers_queued ; unsigned int __nr_writers_queued ; unsigned char __flags ; unsigned char __shared ; unsigned char __pad1 ; unsigned char __pad2 ; int __writer ; }; union __anonunion_pthread_rwlock_t_11 { struct __anonstruct___data_12 __data ; char __size[32] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_rwlock_t_11 pthread_rwlock_t; union __anonunion_pthread_rwlockattr_t_13 { char __size[8] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_rwlockattr_t_13 pthread_rwlockattr_t; typedef int volatile pthread_spinlock_t; union __anonunion_pthread_barrier_t_14 { char __size[20] ; long __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_barrier_t_14 pthread_barrier_t; union __anonunion_pthread_barrierattr_t_15 { char __size[4] ; int __align ; }; typedef union __anonunion_pthread_barrierattr_t_15 pthread_barrierattr_t; struct flock { short l_type ; short l_whence ; __off64_t l_start ; __off64_t l_len ; __pid_t l_pid ; }; struct stat { __dev_t st_dev ; unsigned short __pad1 ; __ino_t __st_ino ; __mode_t st_mode ; __nlink_t st_nlink ; __uid_t st_uid ; __gid_t st_gid ; __dev_t st_rdev ; unsigned short __pad2 ; __off64_t st_size ; __blksize_t st_blksize ; __blkcnt64_t st_blocks ; struct timespec st_atim ; struct timespec st_mtim ; struct timespec st_ctim ; __ino64_t st_ino ; }; struct __locale_data; struct __locale_struct { struct __locale_data *__locales[13] ; unsigned short const *__ctype_b ; int const *__ctype_tolower ; int const *__ctype_toupper ; char const *__names[13] ; }; typedef struct __locale_struct *__locale_t; typedef __locale_t locale_t; typedef int (*__compar_fn_t)(void const * , void const * ); enum __anonenum_ACTION_16 { FIND = 0, ENTER = 1 } ; typedef enum __anonenum_ACTION_16 ACTION; struct entry { char *key ; void *data ; }; typedef struct entry ENTRY; struct _ENTRY; struct _ENTRY; enum __anonenum_VISIT_17 { preorder = 0, postorder = 1, endorder = 2, leaf = 3 } ; typedef enum __anonenum_VISIT_17 VISIT; typedef void (*__action_fn_t)(void const *__nodep , VISIT __value , int __level ); typedef signed char int8; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef short int16; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef int int32; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef long long int64; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef int uint16_vap; struct __anonstruct_TIFFHeaderCommon_18 { uint16 tiff_magic ; uint16 tiff_version ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFHeaderCommon_18 TIFFHeaderCommon; struct __anonstruct_TIFFHeaderClassic_19 { uint16 tiff_magic ; uint16 tiff_version ; uint32 tiff_diroff ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFHeaderClassic_19 TIFFHeaderClassic; struct __anonstruct_TIFFHeaderBig_20 { uint16 tiff_magic ; uint16 tiff_version ; uint16 tiff_offsetsize ; uint16 tiff_unused ; uint64 tiff_diroff ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFHeaderBig_20 TIFFHeaderBig; enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 { TIFF_NOTYPE = 0, TIFF_BYTE = 1, TIFF_ASCII = 2, TIFF_SHORT = 3, TIFF_LONG = 4, TIFF_RATIONAL = 5, TIFF_SBYTE = 6, TIFF_UNDEFINED = 7, TIFF_SSHORT = 8, TIFF_SLONG = 9, TIFF_SRATIONAL = 10, TIFF_FLOAT = 11, TIFF_DOUBLE = 12, TIFF_IFD = 13, TIFF_LONG8 = 16, TIFF_SLONG8 = 17, TIFF_IFD8 = 18 } ; typedef enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 TIFFDataType; struct tiff; typedef struct tiff TIFF; typedef long tmsize_t; typedef uint32 ttag_t; typedef uint16 tdir_t; typedef uint16 tsample_t; typedef uint32 tstrile_t; typedef tstrile_t tstrip_t; typedef tstrile_t ttile_t; typedef tmsize_t tsize_t; typedef void *tdata_t; typedef uint64 toff_t; typedef void *thandle_t; typedef unsigned char TIFFRGBValue; struct __anonstruct_TIFFDisplay_22 { float d_mat[3][3] ; float d_YCR ; float d_YCG ; float d_YCB ; uint32 d_Vrwr ; uint32 d_Vrwg ; uint32 d_Vrwb ; float d_Y0R ; float d_Y0G ; float d_Y0B ; float d_gammaR ; float d_gammaG ; float d_gammaB ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFDisplay_22 TIFFDisplay; struct __anonstruct_TIFFYCbCrToRGB_23 { TIFFRGBValue *clamptab ; int *Cr_r_tab ; int *Cb_b_tab ; int32 *Cr_g_tab ; int32 *Cb_g_tab ; int32 *Y_tab ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFYCbCrToRGB_23 TIFFYCbCrToRGB; struct __anonstruct_TIFFCIELabToRGB_24 { int range ; float rstep ; float gstep ; float bstep ; float X0 ; float Y0 ; float Z0 ; TIFFDisplay display ; float Yr2r[1501] ; float Yg2g[1501] ; float Yb2b[1501] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFCIELabToRGB_24 TIFFCIELabToRGB; struct _TIFFRGBAImage; typedef struct _TIFFRGBAImage TIFFRGBAImage; typedef void (*tileContigRoutine)(TIFFRGBAImage * , uint32 * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , int32 , int32 , unsigned char * ); typedef void (*tileSeparateRoutine)(TIFFRGBAImage * , uint32 * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , int32 , int32 , unsigned char * , unsigned char * , unsigned char * , unsigned char * ); union __anonunion_put_25 { void (*any)(TIFFRGBAImage * ) ; void (*contig)(TIFFRGBAImage * , uint32 * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , int32 , int32 , unsigned char * ) ; void (*separate)(TIFFRGBAImage * , uint32 * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 , int32 , int32 , unsigned char * , unsigned char * , unsigned char * , unsigned char * ) ; }; struct _TIFFRGBAImage { TIFF *tif ; int stoponerr ; int isContig ; int alpha ; uint32 width ; uint32 height ; uint16 bitspersample ; uint16 samplesperpixel ; uint16 orientation ; uint16 req_orientation ; uint16 photometric ; uint16 *redcmap ; uint16 *greencmap ; uint16 *bluecmap ; int (*get)(TIFFRGBAImage * , uint32 * , uint32 , uint32 ) ; union __anonunion_put_25 put ; TIFFRGBValue *Map ; uint32 **BWmap ; uint32 **PALmap ; TIFFYCbCrToRGB *ycbcr ; TIFFCIELabToRGB *cielab ; uint8 *UaToAa ; uint8 *Bitdepth16To8 ; int row_offset ; int col_offset ; }; typedef int (*TIFFInitMethod)(TIFF * , int ); struct __anonstruct_TIFFCodec_26 { char *name ; uint16 scheme ; int (*init)(TIFF * , int ) ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFCodec_26 TIFFCodec; struct _IO_FILE; struct _IO_FILE; typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE; typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE; union __anonunion___value_28 { unsigned int __wch ; char __wchb[4] ; }; struct __anonstruct___mbstate_t_27 { int __count ; union __anonunion___value_28 __value ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct___mbstate_t_27 __mbstate_t; struct __anonstruct__G_fpos_t_29 { __off_t __pos ; __mbstate_t __state ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct__G_fpos_t_29 _G_fpos_t; struct __anonstruct__G_fpos64_t_30 { __off64_t __pos ; __mbstate_t __state ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct__G_fpos64_t_30 _G_fpos64_t; typedef short _G_int16_t; typedef int _G_int32_t; typedef unsigned short _G_uint16_t; typedef unsigned int _G_uint32_t; typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list; struct _IO_jump_t; struct _IO_jump_t; struct _IO_FILE; typedef void _IO_lock_t; struct _IO_marker { struct _IO_marker *_next ; struct _IO_FILE *_sbuf ; int _pos ; }; enum __codecvt_result { __codecvt_ok = 0, __codecvt_partial = 1, __codecvt_error = 2, __codecvt_noconv = 3 } ; struct _IO_FILE { int _flags ; char *_IO_read_ptr ; char *_IO_read_end ; char *_IO_read_base ; char *_IO_write_base ; char *_IO_write_ptr ; char *_IO_write_end ; char *_IO_buf_base ; char *_IO_buf_end ; char *_IO_save_base ; char *_IO_backup_base ; char *_IO_save_end ; struct _IO_marker *_markers ; struct _IO_FILE *_chain ; int _fileno ; int _flags2 ; __off_t _old_offset ; unsigned short _cur_column ; signed char _vtable_offset ; char _shortbuf[1] ; _IO_lock_t *_lock ; __off64_t _offset ; void *__pad1 ; void *__pad2 ; void *__pad3 ; void *__pad4 ; size_t __pad5 ; int _mode ; char _unused2[(15U * sizeof(int ) - 4U * sizeof(void *)) - sizeof(size_t )] ; }; typedef struct _IO_FILE _IO_FILE; struct _IO_FILE_plus; struct _IO_FILE_plus; typedef __ssize_t __io_read_fn(void *__cookie , char *__buf , size_t __nbytes ); typedef __ssize_t __io_write_fn(void *__cookie , char const *__buf , size_t __n ); typedef int __io_seek_fn(void *__cookie , __off64_t *__pos , int __w ); typedef int __io_close_fn(void *__cookie ); typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list; typedef _G_fpos64_t fpos_t; typedef void (*TIFFErrorHandler)(char const * , char const * , va_list ); typedef void (*TIFFErrorHandlerExt)(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , va_list ); typedef tmsize_t (*TIFFReadWriteProc)(thandle_t , void * , tmsize_t ); typedef uint64 (*TIFFSeekProc)(thandle_t , uint64 , int ); typedef int (*TIFFCloseProc)(thandle_t ); typedef uint64 (*TIFFSizeProc)(thandle_t ); typedef int (*TIFFMapFileProc)(thandle_t , void **base , toff_t *size ); typedef void (*TIFFUnmapFileProc)(thandle_t , void *base , toff_t size ); typedef void (*TIFFExtendProc)(TIFF * ); struct _TIFFField; typedef struct _TIFFField TIFFField; struct _TIFFFieldArray; typedef struct _TIFFFieldArray TIFFFieldArray; typedef int (*TIFFVSetMethod)(TIFF * , uint32 , va_list ); typedef int (*TIFFVGetMethod)(TIFF * , uint32 , va_list ); typedef void (*TIFFPrintMethod)(TIFF * , FILE * , long ); struct __anonstruct_TIFFTagMethods_31 { int (*vsetfield)(TIFF * , uint32 , va_list ) ; int (*vgetfield)(TIFF * , uint32 , va_list ) ; void (*printdir)(TIFF * , FILE * , long ) ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFTagMethods_31 TIFFTagMethods; struct __anonstruct_TIFFFieldInfo_32 { ttag_t field_tag ; short field_readcount ; short field_writecount ; TIFFDataType field_type ; unsigned short field_bit ; unsigned char field_oktochange ; unsigned char field_passcount ; char *field_name ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFFieldInfo_32 TIFFFieldInfo; struct __anonstruct_TIFFTagValue_33 { TIFFField const *info ; int count ; void *value ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFTagValue_33 TIFFTagValue; struct __anonstruct_TIFFDirectory_34 { unsigned long td_fieldsset[4] ; uint32 td_imagewidth ; uint32 td_imagelength ; uint32 td_imagedepth ; uint32 td_tilewidth ; uint32 td_tilelength ; uint32 td_tiledepth ; uint32 td_subfiletype ; uint16 td_bitspersample ; uint16 td_sampleformat ; uint16 td_compression ; uint16 td_photometric ; uint16 td_threshholding ; uint16 td_fillorder ; uint16 td_orientation ; uint16 td_samplesperpixel ; uint32 td_rowsperstrip ; uint16 td_minsamplevalue ; uint16 td_maxsamplevalue ; double td_sminsamplevalue ; double td_smaxsamplevalue ; float td_xresolution ; float td_yresolution ; uint16 td_resolutionunit ; uint16 td_planarconfig ; float td_xposition ; float td_yposition ; uint16 td_pagenumber[2] ; uint16 *td_colormap[3] ; uint16 td_halftonehints[2] ; uint16 td_extrasamples ; uint16 *td_sampleinfo ; uint32 td_stripsperimage ; uint32 td_nstrips ; uint64 *td_stripoffset ; uint64 *td_stripbytecount ; int td_stripbytecountsorted ; uint16 td_nsubifd ; uint64 *td_subifd ; uint16 td_ycbcrsubsampling[2] ; uint16 td_ycbcrpositioning ; uint16 *td_transferfunction[3] ; int td_inknameslen ; char *td_inknames ; int td_customValueCount ; TIFFTagValue *td_customValues ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFDirectory_34 TIFFDirectory; enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 { TIFF_SETGET_UNDEFINED = 0, TIFF_SETGET_ASCII = 1, TIFF_SETGET_UINT8 = 2, TIFF_SETGET_SINT8 = 3, TIFF_SETGET_UINT16 = 4, TIFF_SETGET_SINT16 = 5, TIFF_SETGET_UINT32 = 6, TIFF_SETGET_SINT32 = 7, TIFF_SETGET_UINT64 = 8, TIFF_SETGET_SINT64 = 9, TIFF_SETGET_FLOAT = 10, TIFF_SETGET_DOUBLE = 11, TIFF_SETGET_IFD8 = 12, TIFF_SETGET_INT = 13, TIFF_SETGET_UINT16_PAIR = 14, TIFF_SETGET_C0_ASCII = 15, TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT8 = 16, TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT8 = 17, TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT16 = 18, TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT16 = 19, TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT32 = 20, TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT32 = 21, TIFF_SETGET_C0_UINT64 = 22, TIFF_SETGET_C0_SINT64 = 23, TIFF_SETGET_C0_FLOAT = 24, TIFF_SETGET_C0_DOUBLE = 25, TIFF_SETGET_C0_IFD8 = 26, TIFF_SETGET_C16_ASCII = 27, TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT8 = 28, TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT8 = 29, TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT16 = 30, TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT16 = 31, TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT32 = 32, TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT32 = 33, TIFF_SETGET_C16_UINT64 = 34, TIFF_SETGET_C16_SINT64 = 35, TIFF_SETGET_C16_FLOAT = 36, TIFF_SETGET_C16_DOUBLE = 37, TIFF_SETGET_C16_IFD8 = 38, TIFF_SETGET_C32_ASCII = 39, TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT8 = 40, TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT8 = 41, TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT16 = 42, TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT16 = 43, TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT32 = 44, TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT32 = 45, TIFF_SETGET_C32_UINT64 = 46, TIFF_SETGET_C32_SINT64 = 47, TIFF_SETGET_C32_FLOAT = 48, TIFF_SETGET_C32_DOUBLE = 49, TIFF_SETGET_C32_IFD8 = 50, TIFF_SETGET_OTHER = 51 } ; typedef enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 TIFFSetGetFieldType; enum __anonenum_TIFFFieldArrayType_36 { tfiatImage = 0, tfiatExif = 1, tfiatOther = 2 } ; typedef enum __anonenum_TIFFFieldArrayType_36 TIFFFieldArrayType; struct _TIFFFieldArray { TIFFFieldArrayType type ; uint32 allocated_size ; uint32 count ; TIFFField *fields ; }; struct _TIFFField { uint32 field_tag ; short field_readcount ; short field_writecount ; TIFFDataType field_type ; uint32 reserved ; TIFFSetGetFieldType set_field_type ; TIFFSetGetFieldType get_field_type ; unsigned short field_bit ; unsigned char field_oktochange ; unsigned char field_passcount ; char *field_name ; TIFFFieldArray *field_subfields ; }; struct __anonstruct_TIFFDirEntry_37 { uint16 tdir_tag ; uint16 tdir_type ; uint64 tdir_count ; uint64 tdir_offset ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_TIFFDirEntry_37 TIFFDirEntry; struct client_info { struct client_info *next ; void *data ; char *name ; }; typedef struct client_info TIFFClientInfoLink; typedef unsigned char tidataval_t; typedef tidataval_t *tidata_t; typedef void (*TIFFVoidMethod)(TIFF * ); typedef int (*TIFFBoolMethod)(TIFF * ); typedef int (*TIFFPreMethod)(TIFF * , uint16 ); typedef int (*TIFFCodeMethod)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ); typedef int (*TIFFSeekMethod)(TIFF * , uint32 ); typedef void (*TIFFPostMethod)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size ); typedef uint32 (*TIFFStripMethod)(TIFF * , uint32 ); typedef void (*TIFFTileMethod)(TIFF * , uint32 * , uint32 * ); union __anonunion_tif_header_38 { TIFFHeaderCommon common ; TIFFHeaderClassic classic ; TIFFHeaderBig big ; }; struct tiff { char *tif_name ; int tif_fd ; int tif_mode ; uint32 tif_flags ; uint64 tif_diroff ; uint64 tif_nextdiroff ; uint64 *tif_dirlist ; uint16 tif_dirlistsize ; uint16 tif_dirnumber ; TIFFDirectory tif_dir ; TIFFDirectory tif_customdir ; union __anonunion_tif_header_38 tif_header ; uint16 tif_header_size ; uint32 tif_row ; uint16 tif_curdir ; uint32 tif_curstrip ; uint64 tif_curoff ; uint64 tif_dataoff ; uint16 tif_nsubifd ; uint64 tif_subifdoff ; uint32 tif_col ; uint32 tif_curtile ; tmsize_t tif_tilesize ; int tif_decodestatus ; int (*tif_fixuptags)(TIFF * ) ; int (*tif_setupdecode)(TIFF * ) ; int (*tif_predecode)(TIFF * , uint16 ) ; int (*tif_setupencode)(TIFF * ) ; int tif_encodestatus ; int (*tif_preencode)(TIFF * , uint16 ) ; int (*tif_postencode)(TIFF * ) ; int (*tif_decoderow)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ) ; int (*tif_encoderow)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ) ; int (*tif_decodestrip)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ) ; int (*tif_encodestrip)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ) ; int (*tif_decodetile)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ) ; int (*tif_encodetile)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size , uint16 sample ) ; void (*tif_close)(TIFF * ) ; int (*tif_seek)(TIFF * , uint32 ) ; void (*tif_cleanup)(TIFF * ) ; uint32 (*tif_defstripsize)(TIFF * , uint32 ) ; void (*tif_deftilesize)(TIFF * , uint32 * , uint32 * ) ; uint8 *tif_data ; tmsize_t tif_scanlinesize ; tmsize_t tif_scanlineskew ; uint8 *tif_rawdata ; tmsize_t tif_rawdatasize ; uint8 *tif_rawcp ; tmsize_t tif_rawcc ; uint8 *tif_base ; tmsize_t tif_size ; int (*tif_mapproc)(thandle_t , void **base , toff_t *size ) ; void (*tif_unmapproc)(thandle_t , void *base , toff_t size ) ; thandle_t tif_clientdata ; tmsize_t (*tif_readproc)(thandle_t , void * , tmsize_t ) ; tmsize_t (*tif_writeproc)(thandle_t , void * , tmsize_t ) ; uint64 (*tif_seekproc)(thandle_t , uint64 , int ) ; int (*tif_closeproc)(thandle_t ) ; uint64 (*tif_sizeproc)(thandle_t ) ; void (*tif_postdecode)(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t size ) ; TIFFField **tif_fields ; uint32 tif_nfields ; TIFFField const *tif_foundfield ; TIFFTagMethods tif_tagmethods ; TIFFClientInfoLink *tif_clientinfo ; TIFFFieldArray *tif_fieldscompat ; uint32 tif_nfieldscompat ; }; typedef long wchar_t; struct __anonstruct___wait_terminated_39 { unsigned int __w_termsig : 7 ; unsigned int __w_coredump : 1 ; unsigned int __w_retcode : 8 ; unsigned int : 16 ; }; struct __anonstruct___wait_stopped_40 { unsigned int __w_stopval : 8 ; unsigned int __w_stopsig : 8 ; unsigned int : 16 ; }; union wait { int w_status ; struct __anonstruct___wait_terminated_39 __wait_terminated ; struct __anonstruct___wait_stopped_40 __wait_stopped ; }; union __anonunion___WAIT_STATUS_41 { union wait *__uptr ; int *__iptr ; }; typedef union __anonunion___WAIT_STATUS_41 __attribute__((__transparent_union__)) __WAIT_STATUS; struct __anonstruct_div_t_42 { int quot ; int rem ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_div_t_42 div_t; struct __anonstruct_ldiv_t_43 { long quot ; long rem ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_ldiv_t_43 ldiv_t; struct __anonstruct_lldiv_t_44 { long long quot ; long long rem ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_lldiv_t_44 lldiv_t; struct random_data { int32_t *fptr ; int32_t *rptr ; int32_t *state ; int rand_type ; int rand_deg ; int rand_sep ; int32_t *end_ptr ; }; struct drand48_data { unsigned short __x[3] ; unsigned short __old_x[3] ; unsigned short __c ; unsigned short __init ; unsigned long long __a ; }; extern int select(int __nfds , fd_set * __restrict __readfds , fd_set * __restrict __writefds , fd_set * __restrict __exceptfds , struct timeval * __restrict __timeout ) ; extern int pselect(int __nfds , fd_set * __restrict __readfds , fd_set * __restrict __writefds , fd_set * __restrict __exceptfds , struct timespec const * __restrict __timeout , __sigset_t const * __restrict __sigmask ) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned int gnu_dev_major(unsigned long long __dev ) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned int gnu_dev_minor(unsigned long long __dev ) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned long long gnu_dev_makedev(unsigned int __major , unsigned int __minor ) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned int gnu_dev_major(unsigned long long __dev ) ; __inline extern unsigned int gnu_dev_major(unsigned long long __dev ) { { return ((unsigned int )(((__dev >> 8) & 4095ULL) | (unsigned long long )((unsigned int )(__dev >> 32) & 4294963200U))); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned int gnu_dev_minor(unsigned long long __dev ) ; __inline extern unsigned int gnu_dev_minor(unsigned long long __dev ) { { return ((unsigned int )((__dev & 255ULL) | (unsigned long long )((unsigned int )(__dev >> 12) & 4294967040U))); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned long long gnu_dev_makedev(unsigned int __major , unsigned int __minor ) ; __inline extern unsigned long long gnu_dev_makedev(unsigned int __major , unsigned int __minor ) { { return (((unsigned long long )((__minor & 255U) | ((__major & 4095U) << 8)) | ((unsigned long long )(__minor & 4294967040U) << 12)) | ((unsigned long long )(__major & 4294963200U) << 32)); } } extern int fcntl(int __fd , int __cmd , ...) ; extern int open(char const *__file , int __oflag , ...) __asm__("open64") __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern int openat(int __fd , char const *__file , int __oflag , ...) __asm__("openat64") __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern int creat(char const *__file , __mode_t __mode ) __asm__("creat64") __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern int lockf(int __fd , int __cmd , __off64_t __len ) __asm__("lockf64") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int posix_fadvise(int __fd , __off64_t __offset , __off64_t __len , int __advise ) __asm__("posix_fadvise64") ; extern int posix_fallocate(int __fd , __off64_t __offset , __off64_t __len ) __asm__("posix_fallocate64") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *memcpy(void * __restrict __dest , void const * __restrict __src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *memmove(void *__dest , void const *__src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *memccpy(void * __restrict __dest , void const * __restrict __src , int __c , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *memset(void *__s , int __c , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int memcmp(void const *__s1 , void const *__s2 , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *memchr(void const *__s , int __c , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strcpy(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strncpy(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strcat(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strncat(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strcmp(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strncmp(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strcoll(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t strxfrm(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strcoll_l(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 , __locale_t __l ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2,3))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t strxfrm_l(char *__dest , char const *__src , size_t __n , __locale_t __l ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strdup(char const *__s ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1), __malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strndup(char const *__string , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1), __malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strchr(char const *__s , int __c ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strrchr(char const *__s , int __c ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t strcspn(char const *__s , char const *__reject ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t strspn(char const *__s , char const *__accept ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strpbrk(char const *__s , char const *__accept ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strstr(char const *__haystack , char const *__needle ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strtok(char * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __delim ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *__strtok_r(char * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __delim , char ** __restrict __save_ptr ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2,3))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strtok_r(char * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __delim , char ** __restrict __save_ptr ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2,3))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t strlen(char const *__s ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t strnlen(char const *__string , size_t __maxlen ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strerror(int __errnum ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strerror_r(int __errnum , char *__buf , size_t __buflen ) __asm__("__xpg_strerror_r") __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strerror_l(int __errnum , __locale_t __l ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void __bzero(void *__s , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void bcopy(void const *__src , void *__dest , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void bzero(void *__s , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int bcmp(void const *__s1 , void const *__s2 , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *index(char const *__s , int __c ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *rindex(char const *__s , int __c ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ffs(int __i ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strcasecmp(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int strncasecmp(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strsep(char ** __restrict __stringp , char const * __restrict __delim ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *strsignal(int __sig ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *__stpcpy(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *stpcpy(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *__stpncpy(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *stpncpy(char * __restrict __dest , char const * __restrict __src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern void *__rawmemchr(void const *__s , int __c ) ; __inline extern size_t __strcspn_c1(char const *__s , int __reject ) ; __inline extern size_t __strcspn_c1(char const *__s , int __reject ) { register size_t __result ; { __result = (size_t )0; while (1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != 0) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != (int const )__reject) { } else { break; } } else { break; } __result ++; } return (__result); } } __inline extern size_t __strcspn_c2(char const *__s , int __reject1 , int __reject2 ) ; __inline extern size_t __strcspn_c2(char const *__s , int __reject1 , int __reject2 ) { register size_t __result ; { __result = (size_t )0; while (1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != 0) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != (int const )__reject1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != (int const )__reject2) { } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } __result ++; } return (__result); } } __inline extern size_t __strcspn_c3(char const *__s , int __reject1 , int __reject2 , int __reject3 ) ; __inline extern size_t __strcspn_c3(char const *__s , int __reject1 , int __reject2 , int __reject3 ) { register size_t __result ; { __result = (size_t )0; while (1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != 0) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != (int const )__reject1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != (int const )__reject2) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) != (int const )__reject3) { } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } __result ++; } return (__result); } } __inline extern size_t __strspn_c1(char const *__s , int __accept ) ; __inline extern size_t __strspn_c1(char const *__s , int __accept ) { register size_t __result ; { __result = (size_t )0; while ((int const )*(__s + __result) == (int const )__accept) { __result ++; } return (__result); } } __inline extern size_t __strspn_c2(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 ) ; __inline extern size_t __strspn_c2(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 ) { register size_t __result ; { __result = (size_t )0; while (1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) == (int const )__accept1) { } else { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) == (int const )__accept2) { } else { break; } } __result ++; } return (__result); } } __inline extern size_t __strspn_c3(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 , int __accept3 ) ; __inline extern size_t __strspn_c3(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 , int __accept3 ) { register size_t __result ; { __result = (size_t )0; while (1) { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) == (int const )__accept1) { } else { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) == (int const )__accept2) { } else { if ((int const )*(__s + __result) == (int const )__accept3) { } else { break; } } } __result ++; } return (__result); } } __inline extern char *__strpbrk_c2(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 ) ; __inline extern char *__strpbrk_c2(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 ) { char *tmp ; { while (1) { if ((int const )*__s != 0) { if ((int const )*__s != (int const )__accept1) { if ((int const )*__s != (int const )__accept2) { } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } __s ++; } if ((int const )*__s == 0) { tmp = (char *)((void *)0); } else { tmp = (char *)((unsigned int )__s); } return (tmp); } } __inline extern char *__strpbrk_c3(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 , int __accept3 ) ; __inline extern char *__strpbrk_c3(char const *__s , int __accept1 , int __accept2 , int __accept3 ) { char *tmp ; { while (1) { if ((int const )*__s != 0) { if ((int const )*__s != (int const )__accept1) { if ((int const )*__s != (int const )__accept2) { if ((int const )*__s != (int const )__accept3) { } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } __s ++; } if ((int const )*__s == 0) { tmp = (char *)((void *)0); } else { tmp = (char *)((unsigned int )__s); } return (tmp); } } __inline extern char *__strtok_r_1c(char *__s , char __sep , char **__nextp ) ; __inline extern char *__strtok_r_1c(char *__s , char __sep , char **__nextp ) { char *__result ; char *tmp ; char *tmp___0 ; { if ((unsigned int )__s == (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { __s = *__nextp; } else { } while ((int )*__s == (int )__sep) { __s ++; } __result = (char *)((void *)0); if ((int )*__s != 0) { tmp = __s; __s ++; __result = tmp; while ((int )*__s != 0) { tmp___0 = __s; __s ++; if ((int )*tmp___0 == (int )__sep) { *(__s + -1) = (char )'\000'; break; } else { } } } else { } *__nextp = __s; return (__result); } } extern char *__strsep_g(char **__stringp , char const *__delim ) ; __inline extern char *__strsep_1c(char **__s , char __reject ) ; __inline extern char *__strsep_1c(char **__s , char __reject ) { register char *__retval ; char *tmp ; char *tmp___0 ; void *tmp___1 ; char *tmp___2 ; { __retval = *__s; if ((unsigned int )__retval != (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { tmp___2 = __builtin_strchr(__retval, (int )__reject); tmp___0 = tmp___2; *__s = tmp___0; if ((unsigned int )tmp___0 != (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { tmp = *__s; (*__s) ++; *tmp = (char )'\000'; } else { } } else { } return (__retval); } } __inline extern char *__strsep_2c(char **__s , char __reject1 , char __reject2 ) ; __inline extern char *__strsep_2c(char **__s , char __reject1 , char __reject2 ) { register char *__retval ; register char *__cp ; char *tmp ; { __retval = *__s; if ((unsigned int )__retval != (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { __cp = __retval; while (1) { if ((int )*__cp == 0) { __cp = (char *)((void *)0); break; } else { } if ((int )*__cp == (int )__reject1) { tmp = __cp; __cp ++; *tmp = (char )'\000'; break; } else { if ((int )*__cp == (int )__reject2) { tmp = __cp; __cp ++; *tmp = (char )'\000'; break; } else { } } __cp ++; } *__s = __cp; } else { } return (__retval); } } __inline extern char *__strsep_3c(char **__s , char __reject1 , char __reject2 , char __reject3 ) ; __inline extern char *__strsep_3c(char **__s , char __reject1 , char __reject2 , char __reject3 ) { register char *__retval ; register char *__cp ; char *tmp ; { __retval = *__s; if ((unsigned int )__retval != (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { __cp = __retval; while (1) { if ((int )*__cp == 0) { __cp = (char *)((void *)0); break; } else { } if ((int )*__cp == (int )__reject1) { tmp = __cp; __cp ++; *tmp = (char )'\000'; break; } else { if ((int )*__cp == (int )__reject2) { tmp = __cp; __cp ++; *tmp = (char )'\000'; break; } else { if ((int )*__cp == (int )__reject3) { tmp = __cp; __cp ++; *tmp = (char )'\000'; break; } else { } } } __cp ++; } *__s = __cp; } else { } return (__retval); } } extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *malloc(size_t __size ) __attribute__((__malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *calloc(size_t __nmemb , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *__strdup(char const *__string ) __attribute__((__malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *__strndup(char const *__string , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__, __noreturn__)) void __assert_fail(char const *__assertion , char const *__file , unsigned int __line , char const *__function ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__, __noreturn__)) void __assert_perror_fail(int __errnum , char const *__file , unsigned int __line , char const *__function ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__, __noreturn__)) void __assert(char const *__assertion , char const *__file , int __line ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void insque(void *__elem , void *__prev ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void remque(void *__elem ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) ENTRY *hsearch(ENTRY __item , ACTION __action ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int hcreate(size_t __nel ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void hdestroy(void) ; extern void *tsearch(void const *__key , void **__rootp , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; extern void *tfind(void const *__key , void * const *__rootp , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; extern void *tdelete(void const * __restrict __key , void ** __restrict __rootp , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; extern void twalk(void const *__root , void (*__action)(void const *__nodep , VISIT __value , int __level ) ) ; extern void *lfind(void const *__key , void const *__base , size_t *__nmemb , size_t __size , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; extern void *lsearch(void const *__key , void *__base , size_t *__nmemb , size_t __size , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdin_ ; extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdout_ ; extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stderr_ ; extern int __underflow(_IO_FILE * ) ; extern int __uflow(_IO_FILE * ) ; extern int __overflow(_IO_FILE * , int ) ; extern int _IO_getc(_IO_FILE *__fp ) ; extern int _IO_putc(int __c , _IO_FILE *__fp ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int _IO_feof(_IO_FILE *__fp ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int _IO_ferror(_IO_FILE *__fp ) ; extern int _IO_peekc_locked(_IO_FILE *__fp ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void _IO_flockfile(_IO_FILE * ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void _IO_funlockfile(_IO_FILE * ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int _IO_ftrylockfile(_IO_FILE * ) ; extern int _IO_vfscanf(_IO_FILE * __restrict , char const * __restrict , __gnuc_va_list , int * __restrict ) ; extern int _IO_vfprintf(_IO_FILE * __restrict , char const * __restrict , __gnuc_va_list ) ; extern __ssize_t _IO_padn(_IO_FILE * , int , __ssize_t ) ; extern size_t _IO_sgetn(_IO_FILE * , void * , size_t ) ; extern __off64_t _IO_seekoff(_IO_FILE * , __off64_t , int , int ) ; extern __off64_t _IO_seekpos(_IO_FILE * , __off64_t , int ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void _IO_free_backup_area(_IO_FILE * ) ; extern struct _IO_FILE *stdin ; extern struct _IO_FILE *stdout ; extern struct _IO_FILE *stderr ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int remove(char const *__filename ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int rename(char const *__old , char const *__new ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int renameat(int __oldfd , char const *__old , int __newfd , char const *__new ) ; extern FILE *tmpfile(void) __asm__("tmpfile64") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *tmpnam(char *__s ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *tmpnam_r(char *__s ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *tempnam(char const *__dir , char const *__pfx ) __attribute__((__malloc__)) ; extern int fclose(FILE *__stream ) ; extern int fflush(FILE *__stream ) ; extern int fflush_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; extern FILE *fopen(char const * __restrict __filename , char const * __restrict __modes ) __asm__("fopen64") ; extern FILE *freopen(char const * __restrict __filename , char const * __restrict __modes , FILE * __restrict __stream ) __asm__("freopen64") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) FILE *fdopen(int __fd , char const *__modes ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) FILE *fmemopen(void *__s , size_t __len , char const *__modes ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) FILE *open_memstream(char **__bufloc , size_t *__sizeloc ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void setbuf(FILE * __restrict __stream , char * __restrict __buf ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int setvbuf(FILE * __restrict __stream , char * __restrict __buf , int __modes , size_t __n ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void setbuffer(FILE * __restrict __stream , char * __restrict __buf , size_t __size ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void setlinebuf(FILE *__stream ) ; extern int fprintf(FILE * __restrict __stream , char const * __restrict __format , ...) ; extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int sprintf(char * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __format , ...) ; extern int vfprintf(FILE * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __format , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) ; __inline extern int vprintf(char const * __restrict __fmt , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int vsprintf(char * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __format , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ( /* format attribute */ snprintf)(char * __restrict __s , size_t __maxlen , char const * __restrict __format , ...) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ( /* format attribute */ vsnprintf)(char * __restrict __s , size_t __maxlen , char const * __restrict __format , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) ; extern int ( /* format attribute */ vdprintf)(int __fd , char const * __restrict __fmt , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) ; extern int ( /* format attribute */ dprintf)(int __fd , char const * __restrict __fmt , ...) ; extern int fscanf(FILE * __restrict __stream , char const * __restrict __format , ...) __asm__("__isoc99_fscanf") ; extern int scanf(char const * __restrict __format , ...) __asm__("__isoc99_scanf") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int sscanf(char const * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __format , ...) __asm__("__isoc99_sscanf") ; extern int ( /* format attribute */ vfscanf)(FILE * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __format , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) __asm__("__isoc99_vfscanf") ; extern int ( /* format attribute */ vscanf)(char const * __restrict __format , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) __asm__("__isoc99_vscanf") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ( /* format attribute */ vsscanf)(char const * __restrict __s , char const * __restrict __format , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) __asm__("__isoc99_vsscanf") ; extern int fgetc(FILE *__stream ) ; extern int getc(FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int getchar(void) ; __inline extern int getc_unlocked(FILE *__fp ) ; __inline extern int getchar_unlocked(void) ; __inline extern int fgetc_unlocked(FILE *__fp ) ; extern int fputc(int __c , FILE *__stream ) ; extern int putc(int __c , FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int putchar(int __c ) ; __inline extern int fputc_unlocked(int __c , FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int putc_unlocked(int __c , FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int putchar_unlocked(int __c ) ; extern int getw(FILE *__stream ) ; extern int putw(int __w , FILE *__stream ) ; extern char *fgets(char * __restrict __s , int __n , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern char *gets(char *__s ) ; extern __ssize_t __getdelim(char ** __restrict __lineptr , size_t * __restrict __n , int __delimiter , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern __ssize_t getdelim(char ** __restrict __lineptr , size_t * __restrict __n , int __delimiter , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern __ssize_t getline(char ** __restrict __lineptr , size_t * __restrict __n , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern int fputs(char const * __restrict __s , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern int puts(char const *__s ) ; extern int ungetc(int __c , FILE *__stream ) ; extern size_t fread(void * __restrict __ptr , size_t __size , size_t __n , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern size_t fwrite(void const * __restrict __ptr , size_t __size , size_t __n , FILE * __restrict __s ) ; extern size_t fread_unlocked(void * __restrict __ptr , size_t __size , size_t __n , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern size_t fwrite_unlocked(void const * __restrict __ptr , size_t __size , size_t __n , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; extern int fseek(FILE *__stream , long __off , int __whence ) ; extern long ftell(FILE *__stream ) ; extern void rewind(FILE *__stream ) ; extern int fseeko(FILE *__stream , __off64_t __off , int __whence ) __asm__("fseeko64") ; extern __off64_t ftello(FILE *__stream ) __asm__("ftello64") ; extern int fgetpos(FILE * __restrict __stream , fpos_t * __restrict __pos ) __asm__("fgetpos64") ; extern int fsetpos(FILE *__stream , fpos_t const *__pos ) __asm__("fsetpos64") ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void clearerr(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int feof(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ferror(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void clearerr_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int feof_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ferror_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; extern void perror(char const *__s ) ; extern int sys_nerr ; extern char const * const sys_errlist[] ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int fileno(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int fileno_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; extern FILE *popen(char const *__command , char const *__modes ) ; extern int pclose(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *ctermid(char *__s ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void flockfile(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ftrylockfile(FILE *__stream ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void funlockfile(FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int vprintf(char const * __restrict __fmt , __gnuc_va_list __arg ) { int tmp ; { tmp = vfprintf((FILE */* __restrict */)stdout, __fmt, __arg); return (tmp); } } __inline extern int getchar(void) { int tmp ; { tmp = _IO_getc(stdin); return (tmp); } } __inline extern int fgetc_unlocked(FILE *__fp ) { long tmp ; int tmp___0 ; char *tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; long tmp___3 ; { tmp___3 = __builtin_expect((long )((unsigned int )__fp->_IO_read_ptr >= (unsigned int )__fp->_IO_read_end), 0L); if (tmp___3) { tmp___0 = __uflow(__fp); tmp___2 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = __fp->_IO_read_ptr; (__fp->_IO_read_ptr) ++; tmp___2 = (int )*((unsigned char *)tmp___1); } return (tmp___2); } } __inline extern int getc_unlocked(FILE *__fp ) { long tmp ; int tmp___0 ; char *tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; long tmp___3 ; { tmp___3 = __builtin_expect((long )((unsigned int )__fp->_IO_read_ptr >= (unsigned int )__fp->_IO_read_end), 0L); if (tmp___3) { tmp___0 = __uflow(__fp); tmp___2 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = __fp->_IO_read_ptr; (__fp->_IO_read_ptr) ++; tmp___2 = (int )*((unsigned char *)tmp___1); } return (tmp___2); } } __inline extern int getchar_unlocked(void) { long tmp ; int tmp___0 ; char *tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; long tmp___3 ; { tmp___3 = __builtin_expect((long )((unsigned int )stdin->_IO_read_ptr >= (unsigned int )stdin->_IO_read_end), 0L); if (tmp___3) { tmp___0 = __uflow(stdin); tmp___2 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = stdin->_IO_read_ptr; (stdin->_IO_read_ptr) ++; tmp___2 = (int )*((unsigned char *)tmp___1); } return (tmp___2); } } __inline extern int putchar(int __c ) { int tmp ; { tmp = _IO_putc(__c, stdout); return (tmp); } } __inline extern int fputc_unlocked(int __c , FILE *__stream ) { long tmp ; int tmp___0 ; char *tmp___1 ; char tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; long tmp___4 ; { tmp___4 = __builtin_expect((long )((unsigned int )__stream->_IO_write_ptr >= (unsigned int )__stream->_IO_write_end), 0L); if (tmp___4) { tmp___0 = __overflow(__stream, (int )((unsigned char )__c)); tmp___3 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = __stream->_IO_write_ptr; (__stream->_IO_write_ptr) ++; tmp___2 = (char )__c; *tmp___1 = tmp___2; tmp___3 = (int )((unsigned char )tmp___2); } return (tmp___3); } } __inline extern int putc_unlocked(int __c , FILE *__stream ) { long tmp ; int tmp___0 ; char *tmp___1 ; char tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; long tmp___4 ; { tmp___4 = __builtin_expect((long )((unsigned int )__stream->_IO_write_ptr >= (unsigned int )__stream->_IO_write_end), 0L); if (tmp___4) { tmp___0 = __overflow(__stream, (int )((unsigned char )__c)); tmp___3 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = __stream->_IO_write_ptr; (__stream->_IO_write_ptr) ++; tmp___2 = (char )__c; *tmp___1 = tmp___2; tmp___3 = (int )((unsigned char )tmp___2); } return (tmp___3); } } __inline extern int putchar_unlocked(int __c ) { long tmp ; int tmp___0 ; char *tmp___1 ; char tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; long tmp___4 ; { tmp___4 = __builtin_expect((long )((unsigned int )stdout->_IO_write_ptr >= (unsigned int )stdout->_IO_write_end), 0L); if (tmp___4) { tmp___0 = __overflow(stdout, (int )((unsigned char )__c)); tmp___3 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = stdout->_IO_write_ptr; (stdout->_IO_write_ptr) ++; tmp___2 = (char )__c; *tmp___1 = tmp___2; tmp___3 = (int )((unsigned char )tmp___2); } return (tmp___3); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int feof_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int feof_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) { { return ((__stream->_flags & 0x10) != 0); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ferror_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) ; __inline extern int ferror_unlocked(FILE *__stream ) { { return ((__stream->_flags & 0x20) != 0); } } extern char const *TIFFGetVersion(void) ; extern TIFFCodec const *TIFFFindCODEC(uint16 ) ; extern TIFFCodec *TIFFRegisterCODEC(uint16 , char const * , int (*)(TIFF * , int ) ) ; extern void TIFFUnRegisterCODEC(TIFFCodec * ) ; extern int TIFFIsCODECConfigured(uint16 ) ; extern TIFFCodec *TIFFGetConfiguredCODECs(void) ; extern void *_TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s ) ; extern void *_TIFFrealloc(void *p , tmsize_t s ) ; extern void _TIFFmemset(void *p , int v , tmsize_t c ) ; extern void _TIFFmemcpy(void *d , void const *s , tmsize_t c ) ; extern int _TIFFmemcmp(void const *p1 , void const *p2 , tmsize_t c ) ; extern void _TIFFfree(void *p ) ; extern int TIFFGetTagListCount(TIFF * ) ; extern uint32 TIFFGetTagListEntry(TIFF * , int tag_index ) ; TIFFField const *TIFFFindField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType dt ) ; TIFFField const *TIFFFieldWithTag(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag ) ; TIFFField const *TIFFFieldWithName(TIFF *tif , char const *field_name ) ; extern TIFFTagMethods *TIFFAccessTagMethods(TIFF * ) ; extern void *TIFFGetClientInfo(TIFF * , char const * ) ; extern void TIFFSetClientInfo(TIFF * , void * , char const * ) ; extern void TIFFCleanup(TIFF *tif ) ; extern void TIFFClose(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFFlush(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFFlushData(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFGetField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , ...) ; extern int TIFFVGetField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , va_list ap ) ; extern int TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , ...) ; extern int TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , va_list ap ) ; extern int TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFReadCustomDirectory(TIFF *tif , uint64 diroff , TIFFFieldArray const *infoarray ) ; extern int TIFFReadEXIFDirectory(TIFF *tif , uint64 diroff ) ; extern uint64 TIFFScanlineSize64(TIFF *tif ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFScanlineSize(TIFF *tif ) ; extern uint64 TIFFRasterScanlineSize64(TIFF *tif ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFRasterScanlineSize(TIFF *tif ) ; extern uint64 TIFFStripSize64(TIFF *tif ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFStripSize(TIFF *tif ) ; extern uint64 TIFFRawStripSize64(TIFF *tif , uint32 strip ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFRawStripSize(TIFF *tif , uint32 strip ) ; extern uint64 TIFFVStripSize64(TIFF *tif , uint32 nrows ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFVStripSize(TIFF *tif , uint32 nrows ) ; extern uint64 TIFFTileRowSize64(TIFF *tif ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFTileRowSize(TIFF *tif ) ; extern uint64 TIFFTileSize64(TIFF *tif ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFTileSize(TIFF *tif ) ; extern uint64 TIFFVTileSize64(TIFF *tif , uint32 nrows ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFVTileSize(TIFF *tif , uint32 nrows ) ; extern uint32 TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF *tif , uint32 request ) ; extern void TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF * , uint32 * , uint32 * ) ; extern int TIFFFileno(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFSetFileno(TIFF * , int ) ; extern thandle_t TIFFClientdata(TIFF * ) ; extern thandle_t TIFFSetClientdata(TIFF * , thandle_t ) ; extern int TIFFGetMode(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFSetMode(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFIsTiled(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFIsByteSwapped(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFIsUpSampled(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFIsMSB2LSB(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFIsBigEndian(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFReadWriteProc TIFFGetReadProc(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFReadWriteProc TIFFGetWriteProc(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFSeekProc TIFFGetSeekProc(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFCloseProc TIFFGetCloseProc(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFSizeProc TIFFGetSizeProc(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFMapFileProc TIFFGetMapFileProc(TIFF * ) ; extern TIFFUnmapFileProc TIFFGetUnmapFileProc(TIFF * ) ; extern uint32 TIFFCurrentRow(TIFF * ) ; extern uint16 TIFFCurrentDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern uint16 TIFFNumberOfDirectories(TIFF * ) ; extern uint64 TIFFCurrentDirOffset(TIFF * ) ; extern uint32 TIFFCurrentStrip(TIFF * ) ; extern uint32 TIFFCurrentTile(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFReadBufferSetup(TIFF *tif , void *bp , tmsize_t size ) ; extern int TIFFWriteBufferSetup(TIFF *tif , void *bp , tmsize_t size ) ; extern int TIFFSetupStrips(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFWriteCheck(TIFF * , int , char const * ) ; extern void TIFFFreeDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFCreateDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFLastDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFSetDirectory(TIFF * , uint16 ) ; extern int TIFFSetSubDirectory(TIFF * , uint64 ) ; extern int TIFFUnlinkDirectory(TIFF * , uint16 ) ; extern int TIFFSetField(TIFF * , uint32 , ...) ; extern int TIFFVSetField(TIFF * , uint32 , va_list ) ; extern int TIFFWriteDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFCheckpointDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern int TIFFRewriteDirectory(TIFF * ) ; extern void TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF * , FILE * , long ) ; extern int TIFFReadScanline(TIFF *tif , void *buf , uint32 row , uint16 sample ) ; extern int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF *tif , void *buf , uint32 row , uint16 sample ) ; extern int TIFFReadRGBAImage(TIFF * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 * , int ) ; extern int TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented(TIFF * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 * , int , int ) ; extern int TIFFReadRGBAStrip(TIFF * , uint32 , uint32 * ) ; extern int TIFFReadRGBATile(TIFF * , uint32 , uint32 , uint32 * ) ; extern int TIFFRGBAImageOK(TIFF * , char * ) ; extern int TIFFRGBAImageBegin(TIFFRGBAImage * , TIFF * , int , char * ) ; extern int TIFFRGBAImageGet(TIFFRGBAImage * , uint32 * , uint32 , uint32 ) ; extern void TIFFRGBAImageEnd(TIFFRGBAImage * ) ; extern TIFF *TIFFOpen(char const * , char const * ) ; extern TIFF *TIFFFdOpen(int , char const * , char const * ) ; extern TIFF *TIFFClientOpen(char const * , char const * , thandle_t , tmsize_t (*)(thandle_t , void * , tmsize_t ) , tmsize_t (*)(thandle_t , void * , tmsize_t ) , uint64 (*)(thandle_t , uint64 , int ) , int (*)(thandle_t ) , uint64 (*)(thandle_t ) , int (*)(thandle_t , void **base , toff_t *size ) , void (*)(thandle_t , void *base , toff_t size ) ) ; extern char const *TIFFFileName(TIFF * ) ; extern char const *TIFFSetFileName(TIFF * , char const * ) ; extern void TIFFError(char const * , char const * , ...) ; extern void TIFFErrorExt(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , ...) ; extern void TIFFWarning(char const * , char const * , ...) ; extern void TIFFWarningExt(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , ...) ; extern TIFFErrorHandler TIFFSetErrorHandler(void (*)(char const * , char const * , va_list ) ) ; extern TIFFErrorHandlerExt TIFFSetErrorHandlerExt(void (*)(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , va_list ) ) ; extern TIFFErrorHandler TIFFSetWarningHandler(void (*)(char const * , char const * , va_list ) ) ; extern TIFFErrorHandlerExt TIFFSetWarningHandlerExt(void (*)(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , va_list ) ) ; extern TIFFExtendProc TIFFSetTagExtender(void (*)(TIFF * ) ) ; extern uint32 TIFFComputeTile(TIFF *tif , uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 z , uint16 s ) ; extern int TIFFCheckTile(TIFF *tif , uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 z , uint16 s ) ; extern uint32 TIFFNumberOfTiles(TIFF * ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFReadTile(TIFF *tif , void *buf , uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 z , uint16 s ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFWriteTile(TIFF *tif , void *buf , uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 z , uint16 s ) ; extern uint32 TIFFComputeStrip(TIFF * , uint32 , uint16 ) ; extern uint32 TIFFNumberOfStrips(TIFF * ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFReadEncodedStrip(TIFF *tif , uint32 strip , void *buf , tmsize_t size ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFReadRawStrip(TIFF *tif , uint32 strip , void *buf , tmsize_t size ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFReadEncodedTile(TIFF *tif , uint32 tile , void *buf , tmsize_t size ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFReadRawTile(TIFF *tif , uint32 tile , void *buf , tmsize_t size ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(TIFF *tif , uint32 strip , void *data , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFWriteRawStrip(TIFF *tif , uint32 strip , void *data , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFWriteEncodedTile(TIFF *tif , uint32 tile , void *data , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern tmsize_t TIFFWriteRawTile(TIFF *tif , uint32 tile , void *data , tmsize_t cc ) ; int TIFFDataWidth(TIFFDataType type ) ; extern void TIFFSetWriteOffset(TIFF *tif , uint64 off ) ; extern void TIFFSwabShort(uint16 * ) ; extern void TIFFSwabLong(uint32 * ) ; extern void TIFFSwabLong8(uint64 * ) ; extern void TIFFSwabFloat(float * ) ; extern void TIFFSwabDouble(double * ) ; extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(uint16 *wp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfTriples(uint8 *tp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(uint32 *lp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong8(uint64 *lp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat(float *fp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(double *dp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern void TIFFReverseBits(uint8 *cp , tmsize_t n ) ; extern unsigned char const *TIFFGetBitRevTable(int ) ; extern double LogL16toY(int ) ; extern double LogL10toY(int ) ; extern void XYZtoRGB24(float * , uint8 * ) ; extern int uv_decode(double * , double * , int ) ; extern void LogLuv24toXYZ(uint32 , float * ) ; extern void LogLuv32toXYZ(uint32 , float * ) ; extern int LogL16fromY(double , int ) ; extern int LogL10fromY(double , int ) ; extern int uv_encode(double , double , int ) ; extern uint32 LogLuv24fromXYZ(float * , int ) ; extern uint32 LogLuv32fromXYZ(float * , int ) ; extern int TIFFCIELabToRGBInit(TIFFCIELabToRGB * , TIFFDisplay * , float * ) ; extern void TIFFCIELabToXYZ(TIFFCIELabToRGB * , uint32 , int32 , int32 , float * , float * , float * ) ; extern void TIFFXYZToRGB(TIFFCIELabToRGB * , float , float , float , uint32 * , uint32 * , uint32 * ) ; extern int TIFFYCbCrToRGBInit(TIFFYCbCrToRGB * , float * , float * ) ; extern void TIFFYCbCrtoRGB(TIFFYCbCrToRGB * , uint32 , int32 , int32 , uint32 * , uint32 * , uint32 * ) ; int TIFFMergeFieldInfo(TIFF *tif , TIFFFieldInfo const *info , uint32 n ) ; TIFFFieldInfo const *TIFFFindFieldInfo(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType dt ) ; TIFFFieldInfo const *TIFFFindFieldInfoByName(TIFF *tif , char const *field_name , TIFFDataType dt ) ; TIFFFieldArray const *_TIFFGetFields(void) ; TIFFFieldArray const *_TIFFGetExifFields(void) ; void _TIFFSetupFields(TIFF *tif , TIFFFieldArray const *fieldarray ) ; void _TIFFPrintFieldInfo(TIFF *tif , FILE *fd ) ; int _TIFFMergeFields(TIFF *tif , TIFFField const *info , uint32 n ) ; TIFFField const *_TIFFFindOrRegisterField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType dt ) ; TIFFField *_TIFFCreateAnonField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType field_type ) ; extern int _TIFFgetMode(char const *mode , char const *module ) ; extern int _TIFFNoRowEncode(TIFF *tif , uint8 *pp , tmsize_t cc , uint16 s ) ; extern int _TIFFNoStripEncode(TIFF *tif , uint8 *pp , tmsize_t cc , uint16 s ) ; extern int _TIFFNoTileEncode(TIFF * , uint8 *pp , tmsize_t cc , uint16 s ) ; extern int _TIFFNoRowDecode(TIFF *tif , uint8 *pp , tmsize_t cc , uint16 s ) ; extern int _TIFFNoStripDecode(TIFF *tif , uint8 *pp , tmsize_t cc , uint16 s ) ; extern int _TIFFNoTileDecode(TIFF * , uint8 *pp , tmsize_t cc , uint16 s ) ; extern void _TIFFNoPostDecode(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern int _TIFFNoPreCode(TIFF *tif , uint16 s ) ; extern int _TIFFNoSeek(TIFF *tif , uint32 off ) ; extern void _TIFFSwab16BitData(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern void _TIFFSwab24BitData(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern void _TIFFSwab32BitData(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern void _TIFFSwab64BitData(TIFF *tif , uint8 *buf , tmsize_t cc ) ; extern int TIFFFlushData1(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFDefaultDirectory(TIFF *tif ) ; extern void _TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(TIFF *tif ) ; extern int TIFFSetCompressionScheme(TIFF *tif , int scheme ) ; extern int TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(TIFF *tif ) ; extern uint32 _TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF *tif , uint32 s ) ; extern void _TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF *tif , uint32 *tw , uint32 *th ) ; int _TIFFDataSize(TIFFDataType type ) ; extern void _TIFFsetByteArray(void ** , void * , uint32 ) ; extern void _TIFFsetString(char ** , char * ) ; extern void _TIFFsetShortArray(uint16 ** , uint16 * , uint32 ) ; extern void _TIFFsetLongArray(uint32 ** , uint32 * , uint32 ) ; extern void _TIFFsetFloatArray(float ** , float * , uint32 ) ; extern void _TIFFsetDoubleArray(double ** , double * , uint32 ) ; extern void _TIFFprintAscii(FILE * , char const * ) ; extern void _TIFFprintAsciiTag(FILE * , char const * , char const * ) ; extern void (*_TIFFwarningHandler)(char const * , char const * , va_list ) ; extern void (*_TIFFerrorHandler)(char const * , char const * , va_list ) ; extern void (*_TIFFwarningHandlerExt)(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , va_list ) ; extern void (*_TIFFerrorHandlerExt)(thandle_t , char const * , char const * , va_list ) ; extern void *_TIFFCheckMalloc(TIFF *tif , tmsize_t nmemb , tmsize_t elem_size , char const *what ) ; extern void *_TIFFCheckRealloc(TIFF *tif , void *buffer , tmsize_t nmemb , tmsize_t elem_size , char const *what ) ; extern double _TIFFUInt64ToDouble(uint64 ) ; extern float _TIFFUInt64ToFloat(uint64 ) ; extern int TIFFInitDumpMode(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitPackBits(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitCCITTRLE(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitCCITTRLEW(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitCCITTFax3(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitCCITTFax4(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitThunderScan(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitLZW(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitZIP(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitPixarLog(TIFF * , int ) ; extern int TIFFInitSGILog(TIFF * , int ) ; extern TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[] ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max(void) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) double atof(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int atoi(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long atol(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long long atoll(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) double strtod(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) float strtof(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long double strtold(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long strtol(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr , int __base ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned long strtoul(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr , int __base ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long long strtoq(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr , int __base ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned long long strtouq(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr , int __base ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long long strtoll(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr , int __base ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned long long strtoull(char const * __restrict __nptr , char ** __restrict __endptr , int __base ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) double atof(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern double atof(char const *__nptr ) { double tmp ; { tmp = strtod((char const */* __restrict */)__nptr, (char **/* __restrict */)((char **)((void *)0))); return (tmp); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int atoi(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern int atoi(char const *__nptr ) { long tmp ; { tmp = strtol((char const */* __restrict */)__nptr, (char **/* __restrict */)((char **)((void *)0)), 10); return ((int )tmp); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long atol(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern long atol(char const *__nptr ) { long tmp ; { tmp = strtol((char const */* __restrict */)__nptr, (char **/* __restrict */)((char **)((void *)0)), 10); return (tmp); } } __inline extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long long atoll(char const *__nptr ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; __inline extern long long atoll(char const *__nptr ) { long long tmp ; { tmp = strtoll((char const */* __restrict */)__nptr, (char **/* __restrict */)((char **)((void *)0)), 10); return (tmp); } } extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *l64a(long __n ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long a64l(char const *__s ) __attribute__((__pure__, __nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long random(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void srandom(unsigned int __seed ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *initstate(unsigned int __seed , char *__statebuf , size_t __statelen ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *setstate(char *__statebuf ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int random_r(struct random_data * __restrict __buf , int32_t * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int srandom_r(unsigned int __seed , struct random_data *__buf ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int initstate_r(unsigned int __seed , char * __restrict __statebuf , size_t __statelen , struct random_data * __restrict __buf ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int setstate_r(char * __restrict __statebuf , struct random_data * __restrict __buf ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int rand(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void srand(unsigned int __seed ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int rand_r(unsigned int *__seed ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) double drand48(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) double erand48(unsigned short *__xsubi ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long lrand48(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long nrand48(unsigned short *__xsubi ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long mrand48(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long jrand48(unsigned short *__xsubi ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void srand48(long __seedval ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) unsigned short *seed48(unsigned short *__seed16v ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void lcong48(unsigned short *__param ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int drand48_r(struct drand48_data * __restrict __buffer , double * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int erand48_r(unsigned short *__xsubi , struct drand48_data * __restrict __buffer , double * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int lrand48_r(struct drand48_data * __restrict __buffer , long * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int nrand48_r(unsigned short *__xsubi , struct drand48_data * __restrict __buffer , long * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int mrand48_r(struct drand48_data * __restrict __buffer , long * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int jrand48_r(unsigned short *__xsubi , struct drand48_data * __restrict __buffer , long * __restrict __result ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int srand48_r(long __seedval , struct drand48_data *__buffer ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int seed48_r(unsigned short *__seed16v , struct drand48_data *__buffer ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int lcong48_r(unsigned short *__param , struct drand48_data *__buffer ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *realloc(void *__ptr , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void free(void *__ptr ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void cfree(void *__ptr ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *alloca(size_t __size ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) void *valloc(size_t __size ) __attribute__((__malloc__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int posix_memalign(void **__memptr , size_t __alignment , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__, __noreturn__)) void abort(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int atexit(void (*__func)(void) ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int on_exit(void (*__func)(int __status , void *__arg ) , void *__arg ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__, __noreturn__)) void exit(int __status ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__, __noreturn__)) void _Exit(int __status ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *getenv(char const *__name ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *__secure_getenv(char const *__name ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int putenv(char *__string ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int setenv(char const *__name , char const *__value , int __replace ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(2))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int unsetenv(char const *__name ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int clearenv(void) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *mktemp(char *__template ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern int mkstemp(char *__template ) __asm__("mkstemp64") __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern int mkstemps(char *__template , int __suffixlen ) __asm__("mkstemps64") __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *mkdtemp(char *__template ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern int system(char const *__command ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *realpath(char const * __restrict __name , char * __restrict __resolved ) ; extern void *bsearch(void const *__key , void const *__base , size_t __nmemb , size_t __size , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2,5))) ; extern void qsort(void *__base , size_t __nmemb , size_t __size , int (*__compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int abs(int __x ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long labs(long __x ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) long long llabs(long long __x ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) div_t div(int __numer , int __denom ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) ldiv_t ldiv(long __numer , long __denom ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) lldiv_t lldiv(long long __numer , long long __denom ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *ecvt(double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *fcvt(double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *gcvt(double __value , int __ndigit , char *__buf ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *qecvt(long double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *qfcvt(long double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) char *qgcvt(long double __value , int __ndigit , char *__buf ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int ecvt_r(double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign , char * __restrict __buf , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4,5))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int fcvt_r(double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign , char * __restrict __buf , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4,5))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int qecvt_r(long double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign , char * __restrict __buf , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4,5))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int qfcvt_r(long double __value , int __ndigit , int * __restrict __decpt , int * __restrict __sign , char * __restrict __buf , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(3,4,5))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int mblen(char const *__s , size_t __n ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int mbtowc(wchar_t * __restrict __pwc , char const * __restrict __s , size_t __n ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int wctomb(char *__s , wchar_t __wchar ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t * __restrict __pwcs , char const * __restrict __s , size_t __n ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) size_t wcstombs(char * __restrict __s , wchar_t const * __restrict __pwcs , size_t __n ) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int rpmatch(char const *__response ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int getsubopt(char ** __restrict __optionp , char * const * __restrict __tokens , char ** __restrict __valuep ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1,2,3))) ; extern __attribute__((__nothrow__)) int getloadavg(double *__loadavg , int __nelem ) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) ; static struct _TIFFFieldArray const tiffFieldArray ; static struct _TIFFFieldArray const exifFieldArray ; static TIFFField const tiffFields[138] = { {(uint32 )254, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)5, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubfileType", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )255, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)5, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"OldSubfileType", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )256, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)1, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageWidth", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )257, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)1, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageLength", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )258, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)6, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BitsPerSample", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )259, (short)-1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)7, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Compression", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )262, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)8, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PhotometricInterpretation", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )263, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)9, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Threshholding", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )264, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CellWidth", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )265, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CellLength", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )266, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)10, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FillOrder", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )269, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DocumentName", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )270, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageDescription", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )271, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Make", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )272, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Model", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )273, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )16, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)25, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"StripOffsets", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )274, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)15, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Orientation", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )277, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)16, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SamplesPerPixel", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )278, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)17, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"RowsPerStrip", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )279, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )16, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)24, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"StripByteCounts", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )280, (short)-2, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)18, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MinSampleValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )281, (short)-2, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)19, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MaxSampleValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )282, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)3, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"XResolution", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )283, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)3, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"YResolution", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )284, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)20, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PlanarConfiguration", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )285, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PageName", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )286, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)4, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"XPosition", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )287, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)4, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"YPosition", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )288, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )16, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FreeOffsets", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )289, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )16, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FreeByteCounts", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )290, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"GrayResponseUnit", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )291, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"GrayResponseCurve", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )296, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)22, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ResolutionUnit", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )297, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )14, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)23, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PageNumber", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )300, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)0, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ColorResponseUnit", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )301, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )51, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)44, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TransferFunction", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )305, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Software", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )306, (short)20, (short)20, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DateTime", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )315, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Artist", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )316, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"HostComputer", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )318, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"WhitePoint", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )319, (short)6, (short)6, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PrimaryChromaticities", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )320, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )51, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)26, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ColorMap", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )321, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )14, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)37, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"HalftoneHints", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )322, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)2, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TileWidth", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )323, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)2, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TileLength", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )324, (short)-1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )16, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)25, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TileOffsets", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )325, (short)-1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )16, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)24, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TileByteCounts", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )330, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )18, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )38, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)49, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"SubIFD", (TIFFFieldArray *)(& tiffFieldArray)}, {(uint32 )332, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"InkSet", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )333, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )27, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)46, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"InkNames", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )334, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"NumberOfInks", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )336, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )14, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DotRange", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )337, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TargetPrinter", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )338, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )30, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)31, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ExtraSamples", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )339, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)32, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SampleFormat", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )340, (short)-2, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )0, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)33, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SMinSampleValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )341, (short)-2, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )0, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)34, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SMaxSampleValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )343, (short)-1, (short)-3, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ClipPath", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )344, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )9, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"XClipPathUnits", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )344, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )6, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"XClipPathUnits", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )345, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )9, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"YClipPathUnits", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )529, (short)3, (short)3, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"YCbCrCoefficients", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )530, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )14, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)39, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"YCbCrSubsampling", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )531, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)40, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"YCbCrPositioning", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )532, (short)6, (short)6, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ReferenceBlackWhite", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )700, (short)-3, (short)-3, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )40, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"XMLPacket", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )32995, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)31, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Matteing", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )32996, (short)-2, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)32, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DataType", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )32997, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)35, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageDepth", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )32998, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)36, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TileDepth", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33300, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageFullWidth", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33301, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageFullLength", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33302, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TextureFormat", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33303, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"TextureWrapModes", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33304, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )11, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FieldOfViewCotangent", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33305, (short)16, (short)16, (TIFFDataType )11, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MatrixWorldToScreen", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33306, (short)16, (short)16, (TIFFDataType )11, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MatrixWorldToCamera", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33432, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Copyright", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33723, (short)-3, (short)-3, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )44, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"RichTIFFIPTC", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34377, (short)-3, (short)-3, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )40, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"Photoshop", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34665, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )18, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )12, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"EXIFIFDOffset", (TIFFFieldArray *)(& exifFieldArray)}, {(uint32 )34675, (short)-3, (short)-3, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )40, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ICC Profile", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34853, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )18, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )12, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"GPSIFDOffset", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34908, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FaxRecvParams", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34909, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FaxSubAddress", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34910, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FaxRecvTime", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34911, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FaxDcs", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37439, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )12, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"StoNits", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )40965, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )18, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"InteroperabilityIFDOffset", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50706, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )16, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DNGVersion", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50707, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )16, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DNGBackwardVersion", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50708, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"UniqueCameraModel", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50709, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"LocalizedCameraModel", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50710, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"CFAPlaneColor", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50711, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CFALayout", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50712, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )30, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"LinearizationTable", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50713, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )18, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BlackLevelRepeatDim", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50714, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"BlackLevel", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50715, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"BlackLevelDeltaH", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50716, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"BlackLevelDeltaV", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50717, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )32, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"WhiteLevel", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50718, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DefaultScale", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50780, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BestQualityScale", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50719, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DefaultCropOrigin", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50720, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DefaultCropSize", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50721, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ColorMatrix1", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50722, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ColorMatrix2", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50723, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"CameraCalibration1", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50724, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"CameraCalibration2", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50725, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ReductionMatrix1", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50726, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ReductionMatrix2", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50727, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"AnalogBalance", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50728, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"AsShotNeutral", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50729, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"AsShotWhiteXY", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50730, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BaselineExposure", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50731, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BaselineNoise", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50732, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BaselineSharpness", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50733, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BayerGreenSplit", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50734, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"LinearResponseLimit", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50735, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CameraSerialNumber", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50736, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )24, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"LensInfo", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50737, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ChromaBlurRadius", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50738, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"AntiAliasStrength", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50739, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ShadowScale", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50740, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"DNGPrivateData", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50741, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MakerNoteSafety", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50778, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CalibrationIlluminant1", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50779, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CalibrationIlluminant2", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50781, (short)16, (short)16, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )16, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"RawDataUniqueID", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50827, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )1, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"OriginalRawFileName", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50828, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"OriginalRawFileData", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50829, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )20, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ActiveArea", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50830, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )32, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"MaskedAreas", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50831, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"AsShotICCProfile", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50832, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"AsShotPreProfileMatrix", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50833, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"CurrentICCProfile", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )50834, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )36, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"CurrentPreProfileMatrix", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}}; static TIFFField const exifFields[56] = { {(uint32 )33434, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ExposureTime", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )33437, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FNumber", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34850, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ExposureProgram", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34852, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SpectralSensitivity", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34855, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )30, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"ISOSpeedRatings", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )34856, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"OptoelectricConversionFactor", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )36864, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )16, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ExifVersion", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )36867, (short)20, (short)20, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DateTimeOriginal", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )36868, (short)20, (short)20, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DateTimeDigitized", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37121, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )16, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ComponentsConfiguration", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37122, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CompressedBitsPerPixel", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37377, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ShutterSpeedValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37378, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ApertureValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37379, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"BrightnessValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37380, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )10, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ExposureBiasValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37381, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MaxApertureValue", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37382, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubjectDistance", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37383, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"MeteringMode", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37384, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"LightSource", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37385, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Flash", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37386, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FocalLength", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37396, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )30, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"SubjectArea", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37500, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"MakerNote", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37510, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"UserComment", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37520, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubSecTime", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37521, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubSecTimeOriginal", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )37522, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubSecTimeDigitized", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )40960, (short)4, (short)4, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )16, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FlashpixVersion", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )40961, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ColorSpace", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )40962, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PixelXDimension", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )40963, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )4, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )6, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"PixelYDimension", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )40964, (short)13, (short)13, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"RelatedSoundFile", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41483, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FlashEnergy", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41484, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"SpatialFrequencyResponse", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41486, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FocalPlaneXResolution", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41487, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FocalPlaneYResolution", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41488, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41492, (short)2, (short)2, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )18, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubjectLocation", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41493, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ExposureIndex", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41495, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SensingMethod", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41728, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )2, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FileSource", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41729, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )2, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SceneType", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41730, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"CFAPattern", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41985, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"CustomRendered", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41986, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ExposureMode", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41987, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"WhiteBalance", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41988, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"DigitalZoomRatio", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41989, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41990, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SceneCaptureType", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41991, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )5, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )11, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"GainControl", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41992, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Contrast", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41993, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Saturation", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41994, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"Sharpness", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41995, (short)-1, (short)-1, (TIFFDataType )7, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )28, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)1, (char *)"DeviceSettingDescription", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )41996, (short)1, (short)1, (TIFFDataType )3, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )4, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"SubjectDistanceRange", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}, {(uint32 )42016, (short)33, (short)33, (TIFFDataType )2, (uint32 )0, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )1, (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0, (unsigned short)65, (unsigned char)1, (unsigned char)0, (char *)"ImageUniqueID", (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0)}}; static struct _TIFFFieldArray const tiffFieldArray = {(TIFFFieldArrayType )0, (uint32 )0, sizeof(tiffFields) / sizeof(tiffFields[0]), (TIFFField *)(tiffFields)}; static struct _TIFFFieldArray const exifFieldArray = {(TIFFFieldArrayType )1, (uint32 )0, sizeof(exifFields) / sizeof(exifFields[0]), (TIFFField *)(exifFields)}; TIFFFieldArray const *_TIFFGetFields(void) { { return (& tiffFieldArray); } } TIFFFieldArray const *_TIFFGetExifFields(void) { { return (& exifFieldArray); } } void _TIFFSetupFields(TIFF *tif , TIFFFieldArray const *fieldarray ) { uint32 i ; TIFFField *fld ; size_t tmp ; size_t tmp___0 ; size_t __s1_len ; size_t __s2_len ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; unsigned char const *__s2 ; register int __result ; int tmp___4 ; unsigned char const *__s1 ; register int __result___0 ; int tmp___5 ; int tmp___6 ; int tmp___7 ; int tmp___8 ; int tmp___9 ; size_t tmp___10 ; size_t tmp___11 ; int tmp___12 ; { if (tif->tif_fields) { if (tif->tif_nfields > 0U) { i = 0U; while (i < tif->tif_nfields) { fld = *(tif->tif_fields + i); if ((int )fld->field_bit == 65) { if (0) { if (0) { __s1_len = strlen("Tag "); __s2_len = strlen((char const *)fld->field_name); if (! ((unsigned int )((void const *)("Tag " + 1)) - (unsigned int )((void const *)"Tag ") == 1U)) { goto _L___0; } else { if (__s1_len >= 4U) { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ if (! ((unsigned int )((void const *)(fld->field_name + 1)) - (unsigned int )((void const *)fld->field_name) == 1U)) { tmp___7 = 1; } else { if (__s2_len >= 4U) { tmp___7 = 1; } else { tmp___7 = 0; } } } else { tmp___7 = 0; } } if (tmp___7) { tmp___2 = __builtin_strcmp("Tag ", (char const *)fld->field_name); tmp___6 = tmp___2; } else { tmp___5 = __builtin_strcmp("Tag ", (char const *)fld->field_name); tmp___6 = tmp___5; } } else { tmp___5 = __builtin_strcmp("Tag ", (char const *)fld->field_name); tmp___6 = tmp___5; } tmp___9 = tmp___6; } else { tmp___8 = strncmp("Tag ", (char const *)fld->field_name, 4U); tmp___9 = tmp___8; } if (tmp___9 == 0) { _TIFFfree((void *)fld->field_name); _TIFFfree((void *)fld); } else { } } else { } i ++; } _TIFFfree((void *)tif->tif_fields); tif->tif_fields = (TIFFField **)((void *)0); tif->tif_nfields = 0U; } else { } } else { } tmp___12 = _TIFFMergeFields(tif, (TIFFField const *)fieldarray->fields, (unsigned int )fieldarray->count); if (tmp___12) { } else { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "_TIFFSetupFields", "Setting up field info failed"); } return; } } static int tagCompare(void const *a , void const *b ) { TIFFField const *ta ; TIFFField const *tb ; int tmp ; { ta = *((TIFFField const **)a); tb = *((TIFFField const **)b); if (ta->field_tag != tb->field_tag) { return ((int )ta->field_tag - (int )tb->field_tag); } else { if ((unsigned int const )ta->field_type == 0U) { tmp = 0; } else { tmp = (int )tb->field_type - (int )ta->field_type; } return (tmp); } } } static int tagNameCompare(void const *a , void const *b ) { TIFFField const *ta ; TIFFField const *tb ; int ret ; size_t __s1_len ; size_t __s2_len ; int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char const *__s2 ; register int __result ; int tmp___2 ; unsigned char const *__s1 ; register int __result___0 ; int tmp___3 ; int tmp___4 ; int tmp___5 ; int tmp___6 ; { ta = *((TIFFField const **)a); tb = *((TIFFField const **)b); if (0) { __s1_len = strlen((char const *)ta->field_name); __s2_len = strlen((char const *)tb->field_name); if (! ((unsigned int )((void const *)(ta->field_name + 1)) - (unsigned int )((void const *)ta->field_name) == 1U)) { goto _L___0; } else { if (__s1_len >= 4U) { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ if (! ((unsigned int )((void const *)(tb->field_name + 1)) - (unsigned int )((void const *)tb->field_name) == 1U)) { tmp___5 = 1; } else { if (__s2_len >= 4U) { tmp___5 = 1; } else { tmp___5 = 0; } } } else { tmp___5 = 0; } } if (tmp___5) { tmp___0 = __builtin_strcmp((char const *)ta->field_name, (char const *)tb->field_name); tmp___4 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___3 = __builtin_strcmp((char const *)ta->field_name, (char const *)tb->field_name); tmp___4 = tmp___3; } } else { tmp___3 = __builtin_strcmp((char const *)ta->field_name, (char const *)tb->field_name); tmp___4 = tmp___3; } ret = tmp___4; if (ret) { return (ret); } else { if ((unsigned int const )ta->field_type == 0U) { tmp___6 = 0; } else { tmp___6 = (int )tb->field_type - (int )ta->field_type; } return (tmp___6); } } } int _TIFFMergeFields(TIFF *tif , TIFFField const *info , uint32 n ) { char module[17] ; char reason[17] ; TIFFField **tp ; uint32 i ; TIFFField const *fip ; TIFFField const *tmp ; void *tmp___0 ; void *tmp___1 ; TIFFField **tmp___2 ; { module[0] = (char )'_'; module[1] = (char )'T'; module[2] = (char )'I'; module[3] = (char )'F'; module[4] = (char )'F'; module[5] = (char )'M'; module[6] = (char )'e'; module[7] = (char )'r'; module[8] = (char )'g'; module[9] = (char )'e'; module[10] = (char )'F'; module[11] = (char )'i'; module[12] = (char )'e'; module[13] = (char )'l'; module[14] = (char )'d'; module[15] = (char )'s'; module[16] = (char )'\000'; reason[0] = (char )'f'; reason[1] = (char )'o'; reason[2] = (char )'r'; reason[3] = (char )' '; reason[4] = (char )'f'; reason[5] = (char )'i'; reason[6] = (char )'e'; reason[7] = (char )'l'; reason[8] = (char )'d'; reason[9] = (char )'s'; reason[10] = (char )' '; reason[11] = (char )'a'; reason[12] = (char )'r'; reason[13] = (char )'r'; reason[14] = (char )'a'; reason[15] = (char )'y'; reason[16] = (char )'\000'; i = 0U; while (i < n) { tmp = TIFFFindField(tif, (unsigned int )(info + i)->field_tag, (enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 )0); fip = tmp; if (fip) { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, (char const *)(module), "Field with tag %lu is already registered as \"%s\"", (unsigned int )(info + i)->field_tag, fip->field_name); return (0); } else { } i ++; } tif->tif_foundfield = (TIFFField const *)((void *)0); if (tif->tif_fields) { if (tif->tif_nfields > 0U) { tmp___0 = _TIFFCheckRealloc(tif, (void *)tif->tif_fields, (long )(tif->tif_nfields + n), (long )sizeof(TIFFField *), (char const *)(reason)); tif->tif_fields = (TIFFField **)tmp___0; } else { tmp___1 = _TIFFCheckMalloc(tif, (long )n, (long )sizeof(TIFFField *), (char const *)(reason)); tif->tif_fields = (TIFFField **)tmp___1; } } else { tmp___1 = _TIFFCheckMalloc(tif, (long )n, (long )sizeof(TIFFField *), (char const *)(reason)); tif->tif_fields = (TIFFField **)tmp___1; } if (! tif->tif_fields) { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, (char const *)(module), "Failed to allocate fields array"); return (0); } else { } tp = tif->tif_fields + tif->tif_nfields; i = 0U; while (i < n) { tmp___2 = tp; tp ++; *tmp___2 = (TIFFField *)(info + i); i ++; } tif->tif_nfields += n; qsort((void *)tif->tif_fields, tif->tif_nfields, sizeof(TIFFField *), & tagCompare); return ((int )n); } } void _TIFFPrintFieldInfo(TIFF *tif , FILE *fd ) { uint32 i ; TIFFField const *fip ; char const *tmp ; char const *tmp___0 ; { fprintf((FILE */* __restrict */)fd, (char const */* __restrict */)"%s: \n", tif->tif_name); i = 0U; while (i < tif->tif_nfields) { fip = (TIFFField const *)*(tif->tif_fields + i); if (fip->field_passcount) { tmp = "TRUE"; } else { tmp = "FALSE"; } if (fip->field_oktochange) { tmp___0 = "TRUE"; } else { tmp___0 = "FALSE"; } fprintf((FILE */* __restrict */)fd, (char const */* __restrict */)"field[%2d] %5lu, %2d, %2d, %d, %2d, %5s, %5s, %s\n", (int )i, (unsigned long )fip->field_tag, fip->field_readcount, fip->field_writecount, fip->field_type, fip->field_bit, tmp___0, tmp, fip->field_name); i ++; } return; } } int TIFFDataWidth(TIFFDataType type ) { { switch ((int )type) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 6: case 7: return (1); case 3: case 8: return (2); case 4: case 9: case 11: case 13: return (4); case 5: case 10: case 12: case 16: case 17: case 18: return (8); default: ; return (0); } } } int _TIFFDataSize(TIFFDataType type ) { { switch ((int )type) { case 1: case 6: case 2: case 7: return (1); case 3: case 8: return (2); case 4: case 9: case 11: case 13: case 5: case 10: return (4); case 12: case 16: case 17: case 18: return (8); default: ; return (0); } } } TIFFField const *TIFFFindField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType dt ) { TIFFField key ; TIFFField *pkey ; TIFFField const **ret ; void *tmp ; TIFFField const *tmp___0 ; { key.field_tag = (uint32 )0; key.field_readcount = (short)0; key.field_writecount = (short)0; key.field_type = (TIFFDataType )0; key.reserved = (uint32 )0; key.set_field_type = (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0; key.get_field_type = (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0; key.field_bit = (unsigned short)0; key.field_oktochange = (unsigned char)0; key.field_passcount = (unsigned char)0; key.field_name = (char *)((void *)0); key.field_subfields = (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0); pkey = & key; { key.field_tag = (uint32 )0; } if (! tif->tif_fields) { return ((TIFFField const *)((void *)0)); } else { } key.field_tag = tag; key.field_type = dt; tmp = bsearch((void const *)(& pkey), (void const *)tif->tif_fields, tif->tif_nfields, sizeof(TIFFField *), & tagCompare); ret = (TIFFField const **)tmp; if (ret) { tmp___0 = *ret; } else { tmp___0 = (TIFFField const *)((void *)0); } tif->tif_foundfield = tmp___0; return (tmp___0); } } TIFFField const *_TIFFFindFieldByName(TIFF *tif , char const *field_name , TIFFDataType dt ) { TIFFField key ; TIFFField *pkey ; TIFFField const **ret ; size_t __s1_len ; size_t __s2_len ; int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char const *__s2 ; register int __result ; int tmp___2 ; unsigned char const *__s1 ; register int __result___0 ; int tmp___3 ; int tmp___4 ; int tmp___5 ; void *tmp___6 ; TIFFField const *tmp___7 ; { key.field_tag = (uint32 )0; key.field_readcount = (short)0; key.field_writecount = (short)0; key.field_type = (TIFFDataType )0; key.reserved = (uint32 )0; key.set_field_type = (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0; key.get_field_type = (TIFFSetGetFieldType )0; key.field_bit = (unsigned short)0; key.field_oktochange = (unsigned char)0; key.field_passcount = (unsigned char)0; key.field_name = (char *)((void *)0); key.field_subfields = (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0); pkey = & key; if (tif->tif_foundfield) { if (0) { __s1_len = strlen((char const *)(tif->tif_foundfield)->field_name); __s2_len = strlen(field_name); if (! ((unsigned int )((void const *)((tif->tif_foundfield)->field_name + 1)) - (unsigned int )((void const *)(tif->tif_foundfield)->field_name) == 1U)) { goto _L___0; } else { if (__s1_len >= 4U) { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ if (! ((unsigned int )((void const *)(field_name + 1)) - (unsigned int )((void const *)field_name) == 1U)) { tmp___5 = 1; } else { if (__s2_len >= 4U) { tmp___5 = 1; } else { tmp___5 = 0; } } } else { tmp___5 = 0; } } if (tmp___5) { tmp___0 = __builtin_strcmp((char const *)(tif->tif_foundfield)->field_name, field_name); tmp___4 = tmp___0; } else { tmp___3 = __builtin_strcmp((char const *)(tif->tif_foundfield)->field_name, field_name); tmp___4 = tmp___3; } } else { tmp___3 = __builtin_strcmp((char const *)(tif->tif_foundfield)->field_name, field_name); tmp___4 = tmp___3; } if (tmp___4 == 0) { if ((unsigned int )dt == 0U) { return (tif->tif_foundfield); } else { if ((unsigned int )dt == (unsigned int )(tif->tif_foundfield)->field_type) { return (tif->tif_foundfield); } else { } } } else { } } else { } if (! tif->tif_fields) { return ((TIFFField const *)((void *)0)); } else { } key.field_name = (char *)field_name; key.field_type = dt; tmp___6 = lfind((void const *)(& pkey), (void const *)tif->tif_fields, & tif->tif_nfields, sizeof(TIFFField *), & tagNameCompare); ret = (TIFFField const **)tmp___6; if (ret) { tmp___7 = *ret; } else { tmp___7 = (TIFFField const *)((void *)0); } tif->tif_foundfield = tmp___7; return (tmp___7); } } TIFFField const *TIFFFieldWithTag(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag ) { TIFFField const *fip ; TIFFField const *tmp ; { tmp = TIFFFindField(tif, tag, (enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 )0); fip = tmp; if (! fip) { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "TIFFFieldWithTag", "Internal error, unknown tag 0x%x", tag); if ((unsigned int )fip != (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { } else { __assert_fail("fip != ((void *)0)", "tif_dirinfo.c", 524U, "TIFFFieldWithTag"); } } else { } return (fip); } } TIFFField const *TIFFFieldWithName(TIFF *tif , char const *field_name ) { TIFFField const *fip ; TIFFField const *tmp ; { tmp = _TIFFFindFieldByName(tif, field_name, (enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 )0); fip = tmp; if (! fip) { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "TIFFFieldWithName", "Internal error, unknown tag %s", field_name); if ((unsigned int )fip != (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { } else { __assert_fail("fip != ((void *)0)", "tif_dirinfo.c", 538U, "TIFFFieldWithName"); } } else { } return (fip); } } TIFFField const *_TIFFFindOrRegisterField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType dt ) { TIFFField const *fld ; TIFFField *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { fld = TIFFFindField(tif, tag, dt); if ((unsigned int )fld == (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { tmp = _TIFFCreateAnonField(tif, tag, dt); fld = (TIFFField const *)tmp; tmp___0 = _TIFFMergeFields(tif, fld, 1U); if (tmp___0) { } else { return ((TIFFField const *)((void *)0)); } } else { } return (fld); } } TIFFField *_TIFFCreateAnonField(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType field_type ) { TIFFField *fld ; void *tmp ; void *tmp___0 ; { tmp = _TIFFmalloc((long )sizeof(TIFFField )); fld = (TIFFField *)tmp; if ((unsigned int )fld == (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { return ((TIFFField *)((void *)0)); } else { } _TIFFmemset((void *)fld, 0, (long )sizeof(TIFFField )); fld->field_tag = tag; fld->field_readcount = (short)-3; fld->field_writecount = (short)-3; fld->field_type = field_type; fld->reserved = 0U; switch ((int )field_type) { case 1: case 7: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )40; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )40; break; case 2: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )39; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )39; break; case 3: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )42; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )42; break; case 4: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )44; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )44; break; case 5: case 10: case 11: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )48; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )48; break; case 6: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )41; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )41; break; case 8: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )43; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )43; break; case 9: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )45; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )45; break; case 12: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )49; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )49; break; case 13: case 18: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )50; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )50; break; case 16: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )46; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )46; break; case 17: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )47; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )47; break; default: fld->set_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0; fld->get_field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0; break; } fld->field_bit = (unsigned short)65; fld->field_oktochange = (unsigned char)1; fld->field_passcount = (unsigned char)1; tmp___0 = _TIFFmalloc(32L); fld->field_name = (char *)tmp___0; if ((unsigned int )fld->field_name == (unsigned int )((void *)0)) { _TIFFfree((void *)fld); return ((TIFFField *)((void *)0)); } else { } fld->field_subfields = (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0); sprintf((char */* __restrict */)fld->field_name, (char const */* __restrict */)"Tag %d", (int )tag); return (fld); } } static TIFFSetGetFieldType _TIFFSetGetType(TIFFDataType type , short count , unsigned char passcount ) { { if ((unsigned int )type == 2U) { if ((int )count == -1) { if ((int )passcount == 0) { return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )1); } else { goto _L___3; } } else { goto _L___3; } } else { _L___3: /* CIL Label */ _L___2: /* CIL Label */ if ((int )count == 1) { if ((int )passcount == 0) { switch ((int )type) { case 1: case 7: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )2); case 2: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )1); case 3: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )4); case 4: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )6); case 5: case 10: case 11: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )10); case 6: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )3); case 8: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )5); case 9: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )7); case 12: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )11); case 13: case 18: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )12); case 16: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )8); case 17: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )9); default: ; return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0); } } else { goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ if ((int )count >= 1) { if ((int )passcount == 0) { switch ((int )type) { case 1: case 7: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )16); case 2: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )15); case 3: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )18); case 4: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )20); case 5: case 10: case 11: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )24); case 6: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )17); case 8: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )19); case 9: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )21); case 12: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )25); case 13: case 18: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )26); case 16: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )22); case 17: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )23); default: ; return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0); } } else { goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ if ((int )count == -1) { if ((int )passcount == 1) { switch ((int )type) { case 1: case 7: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )28); case 2: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )27); case 3: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )30); case 4: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )32); case 5: case 10: case 11: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )36); case 6: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )29); case 8: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )31); case 9: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )33); case 12: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )37); case 13: case 18: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )38); case 16: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )34); case 17: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )35); default: ; return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0); } } else { goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ if ((int )count == -3) { if ((int )passcount == 1) { switch ((int )type) { case 1: case 7: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )40); case 2: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )39); case 3: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )42); case 4: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )44); case 5: case 10: case 11: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )48); case 6: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )41); case 8: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )43); case 9: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )45); case 12: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )49); case 13: case 18: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )50); case 16: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )46); case 17: return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )47); default: ; return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0); } } else { } } else { } } } } } return ((enum __anonenum_TIFFSetGetFieldType_35 )0); } } int TIFFMergeFieldInfo(TIFF *tif , TIFFFieldInfo const *info , uint32 n ) { char module[19] ; char reason[17] ; TIFFField *tp ; uint32 i ; uint32 nfields ; void *tmp ; void *tmp___0 ; uint32 tmp___1 ; void *tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; { module[0] = (char )'T'; module[1] = (char )'I'; module[2] = (char )'F'; module[3] = (char )'F'; module[4] = (char )'M'; module[5] = (char )'e'; module[6] = (char )'r'; module[7] = (char )'g'; module[8] = (char )'e'; module[9] = (char )'F'; module[10] = (char )'i'; module[11] = (char )'e'; module[12] = (char )'l'; module[13] = (char )'d'; module[14] = (char )'I'; module[15] = (char )'n'; module[16] = (char )'f'; module[17] = (char )'o'; module[18] = (char )'\000'; reason[0] = (char )'f'; reason[1] = (char )'o'; reason[2] = (char )'r'; reason[3] = (char )' '; reason[4] = (char )'f'; reason[5] = (char )'i'; reason[6] = (char )'e'; reason[7] = (char )'l'; reason[8] = (char )'d'; reason[9] = (char )'s'; reason[10] = (char )' '; reason[11] = (char )'a'; reason[12] = (char )'r'; reason[13] = (char )'r'; reason[14] = (char )'a'; reason[15] = (char )'y'; reason[16] = (char )'\000'; if (tif->tif_nfieldscompat > 0U) { tmp = _TIFFCheckRealloc(tif, (void *)tif->tif_fieldscompat, (long )(tif->tif_nfieldscompat + 1U), (long )sizeof(TIFFFieldArray ), (char const *)(reason)); tif->tif_fieldscompat = (TIFFFieldArray *)tmp; } else { tmp___0 = _TIFFCheckMalloc(tif, 1L, (long )sizeof(TIFFFieldArray ), (char const *)(reason)); tif->tif_fieldscompat = (TIFFFieldArray *)tmp___0; } if (! tif->tif_fieldscompat) { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, (char const *)(module), "Failed to allocate fields array"); return (-1); } else { } tmp___1 = tif->tif_nfieldscompat; (tif->tif_nfieldscompat) ++; nfields = tmp___1; (tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFFieldArrayType_36 )2; (tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->allocated_size = n; (tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->count = n; tmp___2 = _TIFFCheckMalloc(tif, (long )n, (long )sizeof(TIFFField ), (char const *)(reason)); (tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->fields = (TIFFField *)tmp___2; if (! (tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->fields) { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, (char const *)(module), "Failed to allocate fields array"); return (-1); } else { } tp = (tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->fields; i = 0U; while (i < n) { tp->field_tag = (unsigned int )(info + i)->field_tag; tp->field_readcount = (short )(info + i)->field_readcount; tp->field_writecount = (short )(info + i)->field_writecount; tp->field_type = (enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 )(info + i)->field_type; tp->reserved = 0U; tp->set_field_type = _TIFFSetGetType((enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 )(info + i)->field_type, (short )(info + i)->field_readcount, (unsigned char )(info + i)->field_passcount); tp->get_field_type = _TIFFSetGetType((enum __anonenum_TIFFDataType_21 )(info + i)->field_type, (short )(info + i)->field_readcount, (unsigned char )(info + i)->field_passcount); tp->field_bit = (unsigned short )(info + i)->field_bit; tp->field_oktochange = (unsigned char )(info + i)->field_oktochange; tp->field_passcount = (unsigned char )(info + i)->field_passcount; tp->field_name = (char *)(info + i)->field_name; tp->field_subfields = (TIFFFieldArray *)((void *)0); tp ++; i ++; } tmp___3 = _TIFFMergeFields(tif, (TIFFField const *)(tif->tif_fieldscompat + nfields)->fields, n); if (tmp___3) { } else { TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, (char const *)(module), "Setting up field info failed"); return (-1); } return (0); } } TIFFFieldInfo const *TIFFFindFieldInfoByName(TIFF *tif , char const *field_name , TIFFDataType dt ) { { return ((TIFFFieldInfo const *)((void *)0)); } } TIFFFieldInfo const *TIFFFindFieldInfo(TIFF *tif , uint32 tag , TIFFDataType dt ) { { return ((TIFFFieldInfo const *)((void *)0)); } }